
Showing posts from August, 2020

Berlin, August 2020

'Governments love pandemics... they give the ability to impose controls the population would otherwise never accept...' Robert F Kennedy, speaking to thousands in Berlin, at yet another freedom rally. On the day of the Unite For Freedom rally in London, England. And there have been many other rallies. WAKE UP, WAKE UP! A virus with a less than 1% death rate, unsuitable testing, rabid panic over asymptomatic carriers, an obvious agenda to kill of the elderly (look at the worldwide 'spikes' in response to moving the elderly out of hospitals and into care homes), and a desire to control - from Matt Hancock, looking like a sombre chipmunk delivering dictates with a laughably transparent veneer of 'concern', to Bill and Melinda Gates smirking like something out of the Simpsons , to the Gates-controlled WHO, changing and re-changing 'advice' at the drop of a hat, this is all manufactured. And it's about you - and everybody else - not a vir...

Dr Vernon Coleman: The War For The Survival Of Humanity - Trafalgar Square, August 2020...

The protest in Trafalgar Square, London, England, was attended by thousands and, of course, vastly under-reported or ignored by the mainstream media. But the people are well and truly stirring. Here, Dr Vernon Coleman, fabulous old man in a chair, gives his speech for the rally - talking about everything from mask-wearing collaborators to Tony Blair, from Tony Blair to the Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, sorry, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, from the Foundation to shonky tests and Government trickery to delude the zombies. Brilliant.

The Australian Angle - SHRIEK! LOCK ME DOWN!

The trouble with Dan Andrews is... well, I cannot fit all that into one blog post, but Victoria is obviously terrified. Like a 'whingeing pom' confronted by a funnel web spider or something unpleasantly snake-like at the screen door. Good heavens, stop being spineless prats, folks. And Scott Morrison - take Dan Andrews and go on a very long hike - off a very short pier. Don't worry, if you get eaten by a shark, we'll log your demise as Covid-19.

Do Not Resuscitate Orders, Ventilators, Denial Of Safe Treatments... The C0vid Murders... A Nurse Speaks Out...

Nurse, and former military nurse, Erin Marie Olszewski has spoken out about her experiences working in New York, apparently the 'epi centre' of the Covid-19 'crisis a few months ago. Using secret recordings from her work, she has done tremendous work in bringing some of the murderous aspects of the current agenda to the public. Here, she is interviewed by Pete Santilli. The situation she describes is heartbreaking and frightening. Ignore at your peril.

The Public Gets What The Public Wants...

Somehow we have to go on fighting. But, here in England, I have many depressed moments. Today, I went to the supermarket. I saw a woman, a neighbour, standing totally alone, at a bus stop in a country lane, with a huge and bulky face mask on, so large and bulky her spectacles were perched awkwardly on top of it. In the supermarket, mask wearers outnumbered the non-wearers by 98%. What ARE these people thinking? Can they not see the facts? Are they so lazy-minded they can't be bothered to even look? Are the majority simply doing it because they don't want to get ousted from the store, by pathetic vigilantes, eagerly following Cressida Dick's advice? Who knows? 'Cases'! Not illnesses. Just vastly increased (wonky) testing. Furloughing. Nice break. But will you have a job afterwards? What is happening is so transparent, but across the world zombie-like people simply do what they're told. But we must keep fighting. If only to be able to square t...

Matt Hancock - What Is He Really Saying?

The 'UK' Health Secretary (really only in charge of England), Mr Matt Handcock, has lots to say about how he's protecting us in these terrifying days of media, government, Bill Gates and 'Dr' Fauci fear mongering, mangling statistics, and economic meltdown. What a... hero. He stands in front of two all-important 'Union' flags - so important as a symbol of 'UK' unity, but only if you live in England (Nicola Sturgeon has the saltire and tartan face masks). It's a live, real and important thing, the 'Union' flag, a symbol of discrimination against the largest and most ethnically-diverse UK country, the one Matt doesn't like to mention because the wheels might fall off his gravy train. Anyway, listening to Matt's brave words about doing 'whatever is necessary' (locking people in their houses or forcing them to wear masks in hot weather) to make a huge drama out of a complete non-drama, made us think about what he's...

The WHO - What is it? What Does It Do? And Why is it so Influential? James Corbett Reveals All...

James Corbett gives us the lowdown on the World Health Organisation, its links to Big Pharma, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and its generally corrupt nature. It helped create the situation we're living in - the one in which a virus does not have to cause much death or illness to wreak havoc on people's lives globally. All you need to know in one video.

World Economic Forum - Touting The Great Reset...

Horrifically, the World Economic Forum reveals the agenda behind the Covid-19 Fear Campaign - The Great Reset. Not much subtlety because it's not needed. The majority are not looking and questioning. They are simply running scared, ready to be herded. Spiro looks at the situation regarding the vaccine industry, mandatory vaccines, and the probable script behind what is happening - and also what might be around the corner. What might the tyrants have in store for us next to assure our compliance?

Bill Gates Tells Porkies, and Scott Morrison - Mandatory Vax By The Back Door in Aus...

Bill Gates has said that it's freedom that's responsible for the 'spread' of Covid-19. Oh, really? I thought it was a huge increase in a test which is not fit for purpose, and lots of perfectly healthy 'positive' people? Meanwhile, Australian Premier Scott Morrison talks of mandatory vaccines, then walks it back. But will your life even be possible without consenting? Or will huge restraints be placed on you (for the virus with the less than 1% death rate) that leave you in despair? Bill, of course, prefers the Chinese way. He has joined Anthony Fauci, who predicated the 'surprise outbreak' in 2017, by doing a spot of crystal ball gazing and saying that the so-called pandemic will be over by the end of 2021. Eh? Is that when you'll have jabbed everybody? Spiro Skouras takes us back to the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep document... spookily accurate, as it turns out. Lockdowns? Temperature testing? Top-down authoritarianism from governments? Yep,...

The Great Reset - Under Cover of a Fake Health Crisis...

New paradigm... new era of control... justified by a fake crisis. The excellent Spiro Skouras gives his thoughts on the Great Reset, for which the fake Covid Crisis is being used as a cover. Meanwhile, Trump is to bring in the military to ensure people take a rushed-through vaccine. Now, usually vaccines take years to produce. You want it? Ker-ching! Billions for Bill and Melinda Gates and Big Pharma. But what for you? Well, looks like you're going to get it - unless you stand up. And soon. The public gets what the public wants...

Save Lives? Tony Fauci Doesn't Want To.

Banned, banned and banned again, here Del Bigtree talks about Tony Fauci and hydroxychloroquine. Many doctors advocate its usage, in conjunction with other medications, and countries like Switzerland have demonstrated great success. So, why do the likes of Fauci reject saving lives? Well, it's obvious. He wants a vaccine. A rushed-through, poorly tested vaccine. Result? Goodness knows what effect on the world population, and millions, maybe trillions of dollars for a very happy Bill and Melinda Gates (great pals and sponsors of Dr Fauci) and Big Pharma (ditto). In the meantime, if you are one of the very few adversely affected by Covid-19, just keep dying, won't you? Or listen to Del Bigtree.

Anthony Fauci - The Mystic - Foresees A 'Surprise Outbreak'...

Now, we don't like Tony Fauci. We think he's dishonest and cold hearted and manipulative. He has strong links to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Big Pharma. But we never put him down as a highly gifted mystic. Nevertheless, here he is, predicting a 'surprise outbreak' during Trump's first administration, way back in 2017. Well, we're not mad on Trump, but how on earth could Mr (he does not behave in anyway like a doctor) Fauci predict a 'surprise outbreak' of an infectious disease during such a brief period? How could he know that? How could anybody know that? And then we got Event 201 on 18 October 2019 - with its uncanny resemblance to now. It was kept in the open, of course, so that the organisers, fact checkers and the mainstream media could say, 'Oh you're being a conspiracy theorist,' when comparisons were made. Yeah, that's right, I'm a conspiracy theorist, and if that's so then my old and beloved childh...

Dr Vernon Coleman: Is This Fraud Ever Going To End?

Not while the people keep falling for it, I'm afraid. Actually, I'm very afraid. I recall at the start of the lockdowns the 'UK' Government was surprised at how easily people complied. Now they must think all their Christmases have come at once. Some kind of agenda is definitely going on here. We know it involves vaccines, contact tracing and removal of civil liberties at the drop of a hat - so far. What's next?

Let's Ignore or Ridicule Sweden - The Mainstream Media...

It doesn't work to ignore or ridicule Sweden. The country has/had a sensible approach to the virus, and a sensible outcome now emerging, with only one death (with or from) coronavirus this month. Meanwhile, on Sky News (or the BBC or ITV) in the 'UK', the likes of Kay Burley sit there with faces like yesterday's mutton talking about the doom that has come upon us all, ignoring or ridiculing Sweden or Switzerland (HCQ) and basically milking the 'situation' for all its worth. Ratings? Some political agenda? Who knows, but Ben Swann has the lowdown on Sweden's success, for all those of us who don't trust the mainstream media pundits in the 'UK'. The pundits who really seem to enjoy ramping up fear and continuing this reign of (nonsensical) terror at all costs. 'HAVE YOU BEEN TESTED YET?!' Kay Burley whips up hysteria over at Sky News, for the virus with the less than 1% death rate. Less hysterical handling of the situation indica...

How The American Center For Disease Control Gauges 'Hot Spots'...

Pam Popper, a voice of sanity from the States, has the lowdown on the nonsensical CDC and its method of keeping up the panic and reporting 'hot spots'. The more this goes on, the more I think 'the public gets what the public wants' (The Jam, 'Going Underground', 1980). It's not just a matter of the public being deceived. It's a matter of the public not wanting to wake up when that deceit is made plain to them. Living in 'now', with comfortable furloughing? Oh, you silly little sheeple!

'80s Song Updated... Boris Johnson, Chris Whitty and Co - 1985 Style...

Several 1980s songs have undergone updates by clever YouTubers for 2020 - including Ghost Town ( Lockdown ) originally by the Specials and Come On Eileen ( Covid-19 ) originally by Dexy's Midnight Runners. Here, Mr Cheswick, of YouTube, gives Paul Hardcastle's Nineteen a modern twist. Brilliant. It includes footage of Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, England, actually telling the truth about the virus - and several guest appearances from a member of the Royal family. Sorry, make that ROYLE family. With the news from Switzerland regarding hydroxychloroquine, and the state of play in Sweden, it's time to call everybody to account. What are Hancock, Whitty and Johnson's excuses? 'We only follow advice from the WHO and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?' And what the hell have SAGE been playing at? Many people have died needlessly, while the virus has been blown up out of all proportion - and will cost and disrupt many more lives as a result of ...

The Agenda Behind Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock, Hydroxychloroquine Treatment in Switzerland and the Swedish Approach to Covid-19...

Sky News in Australia recently featured a piece of reporting that its highly corrupt and dishonest counterpart in the 'UK' would never have. Anders Tegnell, the man in charge of Sweden's coronavirus reaction, has said that things could have been better - in fact deaths would have been far less if things had been different in care homes for the elderly, but they learn. Now, with a far lower death rate than the 'UK' (and obviously less faking the statistics), Sweden can be proud. It respected its citizens' freedoms. It took a broad view of public health - including negative effects caused by stalling the economy - and it's sailing along fine. Well, at least far better than America or England. The Sky News Australia piece above features a comment from the 'UK' Telegraph newspaper, stating that 'our' government's (and the opposition parties') reaction to the coronavirus (the one with the less than 1% death rate) has been one of ...

America's Frontline Doctors Versus Big Pharma, the MSM and Politicians...

Charlie Kirk talks to America's Frontline Doctors about the pandemic, hydroxychloroquine, the fraudulent study which was taken down from The Lancet , the World Health Organisation, the doctor/patient relationship, statistics, Big Pharma, herd immunity and lockdowns.

C0vid-Fear - People Like Rabbits Caught in a Car's Headlights...

One of the oddest things, amongst many odd things, about this 'pandemic' is the way that governments, scientists, and the world population, seem to be focusing on only one thing: Covid-19. We've said ad nauseum on here that the virus has a less than 1% death rate, that the death stats are cooked (see Public Health England as an example), and that the elderly have been grossly mistreated and basically murdered as part of this exercise (for that is what it is). It's bizarre that the public can't see through the nonsense. The public are like rabbits, caught in an approaching car's headlights, frozen in terror. And willing to be pushed here, there and everywhere, to obtain 'safety'. Get used to those masks, won't you? Get used to social distancing. Get used to being unemployed. Get used to being homeless. Get used to being tracked. Get used to friends and family dying from diagnosed and undiagnosed illnesses because hospital departments have a ma...

Face Mask Fines? Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Boris Johnson?

Boris Johnson follows the agenda and bugger the people! Boris Johnson 'UK' Prime Minister, has ordered that fines will be raised for people not wearing face masks. Up to £3,200. Only in England, of course. His 'UK' title is mainly grandiose nonsense. The other countries may or may not follow, but even in a time of 'great crisis' (his story) he can't make them. My dear Mr Johnson! Stop being an idiot! All that impassioned stuff about being tough on your nearest and dearest, or whatever dreadful cobblers you were spouting. It was sickening. Now, I don't think you're 'nuts' (as you so articulately called Dr Vernon Coleman), but I do believe that you are a frontman for an agenda that is being forced worldwide. It's about rushed-through vaccines. It's about contact tracing. It's about a 'Great Reset'. It's about using a massive psyop to force through things the public would never agree to otherwise. Firstly, the ...

Dr Vernon Coleman: Your Government Wants You Dead...

It does. The government - and all the 'opposition' MPs - are on some kind of mission in which we don't matter. In fact, we are simply objects, germ carriers. We must be made to distance, to distrust each other, to be afraid. Of a virus with a less than 1% death rate (with the likes of Public Health England cooking the figures). It's the same the whole world over. There are projects in place, Agenda 21, agenda 2030, The Great Reset, which will all take away our liberties and even kill us. Take that vaccine, go on! Chuck the elderly out of hospitals and into care homes - we need a cull! At the centre of this is Big Pharma and an elite few who want to control. The whole 'Climate Change' agenda was to help soften us up to accept whatever those in power - power supposedly to represent us, accidentally - want to do to us. Just how brain dead the vast majority of the population is I had no idea, and would never have believed. Watch the BBC (Bill Gates sponsore...

Another Doctor Calls the Covid-19 Pandemic What It Is...

Dr Carrie Madej is another REAL doctor who has detected that something smells off in the Covid-19 garden. And she's happy to speak out. Other physicians take note. The blood of innocent people - the elderly, those going untreated/undiagnosed for real illnesses, those who are suffering the effects and after-effects of lockdowns, those driven to suicide, and others - are on your hands. Do not stand by and let the Big Pharma 'scientists', bureaucrats and politicians get away with this terrible crime against humanity.

Ben Swann - Yale University Manipulation Study - Take a Rushed Vaccine!

Yale University in America is working on how to manipulate the American public into getting the rushed-through vaccine for the virus with a less than 1% death rate. That's right - Covid-19. Ben Swann has the facts.

Spiro Skouras - The Plan To Silence Doctors Once And For All...

The excellent Spiro brings worrying news from the World Economic Forum (Bill and Melinda Gates-linked, of course, and also pushing the 'Great Reset' - which you won't have a say about) in the wake of the silencing of America's Frontline Doctors. Yep, doctors, real doctors treating real patients, must not be heard. The agenda must continue. The future could make this absolute reality, with no chance of any dissenting voices at all...

The Lone Ranger Goes Shopping...

I don't know a lot about Alex Stein of the YouTube channel Conspiracy Castle , but this is great. Following the rules laid down by those who want us very afraid, while not following the rules of those who want us very afraid. Harassed by shop staff and sheeple, the Lone Ranger emerges victorious. Do have a look. Great fun. We could all do with some.

Sweden - Pam Popper looks at the Facts, as Opposed to C0vid Agenda Media Reporting...

Pam Popper is a voice of sanity from the United States. She is writing a book on the Year of Fear - Covid Operations . Do take a look at her site  - and join her campaign to take your country back. Here, Pam looks at the dishonest way the media is reporting the situation in Sweden. Sweden is doing very well indeed. But our WHO/Gates dominated media really does not want you to know that.

The Tragedy Of The Care Homes Deaths - Murder By Governments Worldwide... And Matt Hancock And Chris Whitty Refuse to Debate Dr Coleman...

Great interview - Richie Allen is joined by Dr Vernon Coleman, who talks about the 'UK' Government-sponsored murder of the elderly at the start of the 'pandemic', the exploits of Bill Gates, and debunks the world governments/WHO/Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation/Public Health England/Matt Hancock/Anthony Fauci/Old Uncle Tom Cobbley and all sponsored Covid-panic - with verifiable facts in ten concise points. Now, if you think Dr Coleman doesn't know his stuff, consider why, despite repeated requests, Matt Hancock and Chris Whitty won't debate with him? If they could refute his arguments, why won't they? And, Boris Johnson, champion medical expert, who has dismissed Dr Coleman as 'nuts' (such a learned insight, eh?), why not come and debate him and prove your superior knowledge and his 'nuttiness', eh? You won't and you can't - all you can do is fling juvenile insults. Well, Mr Johnson, and every politician in the 'UK' ...

Vernon Coleman on Vaccines and Agenda 21...

Always on the button, Dr Vernon Coleman, 'an old man in a chair' with a good few brain cells to rub together, has been at the forefront of the Coronavirus agenda debunking for quite some time. Here, he tells us all about vaccines - bonanza time for vaccine companies and doctors once they can jab with you with the rushed-through Covid-19 vaccine. All the governments of the world, corrupted by the WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates (same organisation) and so on must just keep you scared until the jab is ready. Recessions and Depressions, courtesy of lockdowns? Deaths of thousands, possibly millions, because of those, food shortages, etc? No worries. It's all worth it for the Great Reset. Prince Charles and the like adore the idea. Individual lives? Pah! You ain't getting your lives back anyway. Not unless you stand up - and soon.

Peter Hitchens and Mike Graham - The Loopiness of the Year of Fear...

Talk Radio allows some sanity in its broadcasts - and the leaders are Peter Hitchens and Mike Graham. Calmly looking at facts, 'tests' versus illness/deaths, etc, they make the whole thing plain: the truth is there is an agenda here. Matt Hancock wants you vaccinated, no matter how rushed and untested that vaccine is, and he wants to keep you scared in the meantime. It's a worldwide web. No, not the one invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, a new web with the World Health Organisation (sponsored mainly by Bill Gates) and Bill and Melinda Gates at its centre. Do have a listen. And take a look back at Matt Hancock's passion for vaccines (horrid little 1990s teenager that he is) and his links to Bill and Melinda - and Chris Whitty's links to Bill and Melinda (including financial). The world is very small and controlled by very few. That is not a conspiracy theory. Did you know that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also provides funding for the BBC and ...

The Human Unleashed: Chalking Deaths Up As C0vid...

The Human Unleashed are a great group of blokes - Phil Escott, Graham Norbury, Ben Hunt and Dr Jeremy Ayres - and have been providing a sane and sound commentary on the Year of Fear agenda for months. Now, deaths are down on the last five years, the 'tests' are unreliable and not recommended for this purpose by their late creator - Kary Mullis, and we know C0vid-19 is being added to death certificates willy-nilly. Meanwhile, our governments and the mainstream media continue to terrorise us and force people to wear masks in extreme heat. There is something very wrong - any thinking person can spot that a mile off. Listen to the guys.

Dan Andrews - Melbourne Australia's Purveyor of Doom - And What The Public Say...

05/09/2020: Just had to re-upload this brilliant Mr Cheswick video as YouTube do not want the Australian electorate's views to be heard if they do not coincide with their own or the WHO's or Bill Gates's. Well, as we never voted for the WHO or Bill Gates, I hardly call that democratic! 'DON'T LET THE PEOPLE BE HEARD - LET THEM BE HERD!' is very much YouTube's attitude. Dan Andrews is such a twonk. He really is. Standing there, with a face like yesterday's mutton, delivering sad news of (a very few and undetailed) deaths (most deaths are saddening) and mad news of tests (not illnesses) - but neither of them adding up to anything like a reason to terrorise and incarcerate the people of the state of Victoria in their own homes, ruin lives and livelihoods - and surely result in many, many more deaths. 'State of Disaster'? You're CREATING ONE, you cretin! The man is part of the agenda. And, Australia - it's a whingeing Pom here - com...

The Young Are Not All Brainwashed By The Fear Campaign... (Thank Goodness!)

This video did my heart good. I had imagined the young were universally brainwashed and petrified by the Fear Campaign of the WHO, SAGE, Matt Hancock, Bill and Melinda Gates, Dan Andrews, Anthony Fauci and so on, the terror campaign that is encircling the world, based on nonsense - complete and utter nonsense. Goal posts moving - 'Flatten The Curve' - LOCKDOWN! Then: eradicate ALL positive tests - LOCKDOWN! The finale, of course, will be: 'COME ON, MY TERRIFIED LOVELIES, GET YOUR RUSHED-THROUGH VACCINE HERE - and then we'll LOCKDOWN! again - because one vaccination isn't enough...' This young woman is English and a Scouser to boot (just like my old Dad!). Good to hear some signs of life in this country. Come on, youngsters, LISTEN and WAKE UP!

Vernon Coleman on the Great Pysop...

Terrify the public! They aren't scared enough! UP the fear! This is how it operates. The Great Year of Fear Campaign (shortly to be YEARS of fear - this won't go away until enough people stand up) - perpetrated by our governments and the likes of SAGE, Chris Whitty and Matt Hancock. Bill Gates sends his love to them. Dr Vernon Coleman tells us the state of affairs. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Or stand up.

Katie Hopkins: Grooming The Public In England To Accept A Vaccine - The Matt Hancock Agenda...

Let's all get vaccinated! And with a vaccine that has had no proper testing period (usually at least five years) because we're 'testing' lots of people for 'coronavirus' with a not terribly reliable test and the tests are not terribly reliable, but we've got 'positives' who are actually physically fine - we need the tests to spot them - and... well... it's alarming. It's a Second Wave. No. It's an agenda of fear and submission. That's all. Many more are dying of the effects of lockdowns and redundancies and non-treated real illness and undiagnosed real illnesses than any virus. And note the 'with' not of prefix which, the vast majority of the time, comes with the coronavirus deaths. 'Don't let those b*astards scare you,' says Katie Hopkins. Amen to that. This is an agenda foisted on the world by Big Pharma and power hungry scientists and politicians who have a very different plan for the world's futu...

Clare Wills-Harrison, Lawyer: Nurse Practitioners Providing C0vid Death Certificates - No Test Needed

Clare Wills-Harrison, an English lawyer, is highly disturbed by the flow of bizarre death certificates in the covid-era. Listen and learn. Our elderly are being mistreated and murdered - and many of their deaths are being used to feed the covid fear agenda.

A Simple Lesson about Covid 'Cases', Tests, Numbers, Hospitalisations and Deaths...

Katie Hopkins uses some nice English fridge magnets to demonstrate the effects of the 'pandemic' - and how the public is being (amazingly easily) hoodwinked. It's a bit like Play School but without Jemima and Humpty. Still, the general public appears to need such simplicity. I'm gobsmacked over Melbourne, Australia and Aberdeen, UK. Has the 1% been slipping silly pills into the drinking water? Aw, you don't understand and you want Jemima and Humpty? Well, here they are then. Now, try watching the nice video again.

Murder of the Elderly in England for the C0vid-Agenda

Do not resuscitate. Nil by mouth... Withdraw medication... Start 'End of Life' medication... And then the vast majority can be listed as 'c0vid deaths'. Care of the elderly in England under the C0vid-regime. This is wha t I've suspected. I used to be a care worker back in the 1980s, and I can't tell you what an honour it felt to work with the elderly, to treat them with the care and dignity they deserved, to listen to their rich life stories. It was one of the most life-enriching things I've ever done. I'm crying too.

Bill Gates And Anthony Fauci - Vaccines and Vaccines in Waves - The Never Ending Story... #ExposeBillGates...

If Bill Gates was American President he would fully back his old pal Anthony Fauci - whatever HE said would be FACT - and stuff real practicing doctors and their findings - and Bill and Fauci would get the public prepared for wave after wave of vaccines. Ker-ching! Hear those Big Pharma tills ring! $$$ The only way is vaccines! $$$ He'd keep a lot of schools for older students closed - in areas of high-positive tests, sorry, I mean 'infections', not real cases of illness, of course - and he would basically keep the people under the thumb. Wear masks! Lockdown when we say! Stuff your life and your livelihood! Bill Gates is not even a doctor - and Dr Fauci appears to have lost his marbles, or to be terribly complicit in Bill's plan. Of course, Bill has financially supported Dr Fauci's projects in the past. Ker-ching! Hear Dr Fauci's till ring! $$$ Bill is already warning us of a second pandemic. Well, I'm still waiting for the first highly dang...

Melbourne, Australia, is Officially Bonkers...

How many of the residents of locked-down Melbourne, Australia, agree with Victoria Premier Dan Andrews's 'State of Disaster'? Quite a lot it seems. The public gets what the public wants, as The Jam said back in 1980. All this for a virus with a less than 1% death rate - and which has been present (although not necessarily the cause) in the deaths of under 250 people in that state. Seven people have just died. All with co-morbidities, all elderly and in nursing homes (the eldest were in their 90s). Sorry to hear of ANY deaths, but throwing these into the Covid-circus is simply horrible. Of course, there are a lot more (healthy) cases - because there's been an awful lot more testing. And we know the tests are not that accurate anyway. Whatever is going on? It's more stupid than the 1980s Aussie soap Sons & Daughters . That was set in Melbourne, if I remember correctly, and was full of absurd drama. Was it closer to life than I thought? Strewth - and they ta...

Face Mask Science

The governments of the world, Big Pharma and the RESET rich must think all their Christmases have come at once. Would the public BUY their Covid-agenda? At first, it would all have been a bit of a test, a 'live exercise' as Mike Pompeo let slip. But the public cowered, the public quaked, the public bought the narrative (and loads of loo rolls) and so it went forward. Now we're at face mask-wearing (in very high temperatures). Yep, it's great - it's essential - although it wasn't a few weeks ago. But 'They' have the science, don't 'They'? Well, no, 'They' don't. Listen to Ben Swann on the subject - he's been studying the scientific studies from 1981 to 2020. And things do not add-up. Quelle surprise.

Another UK City Lockdown, Nicola Sturgeon And JP Sears...

Sometimes you need some humour. That strange (and rather expensive) vessel of the devolved-but-still-UK-State, Nicola Sturgeon, has lock-downed Aberdeen, and no, it's not illnesses. It's tests. It's a cluster of tests. Very much the same as in England and Wales. Nicola is wearing a very tartan mask - because if you don't identify with her culture she doesn't like you and she wants to push it up your nose. Or, in this case, over your nose if you're in that part of Northern Britain. Up there, you cannot simply be British, although the area voted to stay in the UK. Inclusive? Nope. But that's her all over. Yep, they actually had a referendum on whether to stay or not, voted to stay, then foisted HER on us. Half their luck. No referendums for the vast majority of us, of course here in England. Lower spending on essential services per-head via the odious Barnett Formula, too. But that's 'UK' democracy in action. Nicola of course, who hasn't ...

Hydroxychloroquine - A New Study - And The Vaccine/Lockdown Agenda

Ben Swann has some fascinating information about hydroxychloroquine - you know, the medication which is given to pregnant women and children and considered very safe, was backed by practicing doctors who recently held a conference - and who were immediately banned by the likes of YouTube. The WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates, and the likes of Matt Hancock, are hellbent on scaring you to death and pushing a rushed vaccine. One that will bring HUGE profits for Big Pharma. Hydroxychloroquine is as cheap as chips - so they don't back that. But in the meantime, the lives of many people in vulnerable groups who are susceptible to the most negative effects of Covid-19 could have been saved by using hydroxychloroquine, according to a new, peer reviewed study. Yes, a new peer reviewed study. The world is being run for profit, people don't matter, and this insane mask/lockdown/vaccine agenda must end. People have died needlessly - and will continue to die - until Bill Gates and M...

Young Nurse was not Covid Death

Because of all the hype surrounding the coronavirus, many deaths have been attributed to it that should not have been. Most people who die are elderly or immune-suppressed and have co-morbidities. They die 'with' not 'of' Covid-19 - although this does not fit the narrative of our vaccine and power-hungry governments. We've had lots of people added to the list of deaths who are only 'suspected' - and the likes of Deborah Birx in the States and Nicola Sturgeon in the UK have been open about this, although it leads to unreliable death figures and unnecessary fears. And then there was the scandal of Public Health England, listing the deaths of anybody tested 'positive' as a Covid death, whatever they died of and whenever they died. We've also had bizarre tales of people dying in a variety of ways - like car crashes - and being listed as Covid deaths. Here, CBS tells the story of the tragic death of one nurse a few months ago - attributed to c...

Germany is Awakening... England is Still a Sheeple State...

If you speak English but not German it is well worth reading the subtitles here. The German citizens are awakening. Good for them. Meanwhile... 'WAKE UP, ENGLAND!' And answer came there 'BAAAHHH'...

#ExposeBillGates #ExposeMelindaGates

They want to rush through a vaccine (hugely profitable and not at all safe) to vaccinate EVERYBODY for a virus with a less than 1% death rate. Until then, they want real doctors silenced on alternative treatments, and people locked down and masked to keep the fear up. Day of Action, 8th of August. Take a look:

Pet Sitting - Masks - Instructional 'Fun' With A Dog...

Here's the latest from a 'pet sitting' service in the East of England. Isn't the sitter 'fun'? Isn't this 'great'? No, it's not, is the simple answer. I wouldn't let her anywhere near any pet of mine.

Dr Vernon Coleman on Zombies and Trolls...

Wearing a mask... there's an awful lot of scientific studies - up and to and including 2020 by the likes of the WHO - which show masks are not effective against viruses. But the mysterious phrase 'following the science' is rolled out by the likes of Chris Whitty and Matt Hancock and the vast majority get muzzled. In England, many of the mask wearers seem to be virtue signallers - strolling around, looking terribly pleased with themselves - for not examining the facts. There are bullies too - exulting in being able to shout at other people for not wearing masks. Cressida Dick advised shaming, after all. A friend of mine - I'll call her Gloria - is an elderly woman. Like me, she's the product of an ancient ancestry here - generations of English peasants, all tugging the forelock to the Establishment and doing what they're told. She lives with her cat, and, if Mr Whitty or Mr Hancock say she has to wear a mask, she will. She's a lovely person - but s...

Melbourne, Australia - Draconian Lockdown - Katie Hopkins Reviews the Facts...

Melbourne in Australia would seem to be the latest stage in the Coronavirus agenda. Lock everybody down with strict curfew laws - because seven elderly people, over the age of seventy, eighty, and ninety, have died of or 'with' Coronavirus. As usual, co-morbidities sink into obscurity. How much control do our governments want over us? And it won't stop at Melbourne - or even Australia. Be warned... the people following the rules invite more rules... And more of a police state (see below)

Dr Vernon Coleman And Bill Gates - Acid House Style...

Just discovered Mr Cheswick. Great to see a young bloke so clued-in to what's happening. Here's his tribute to the very excellent Dr Vernon Coleman. Took me back to my Acid House rave days in the late 1980s. Look at Bill Gates doing the moves and spinning those discs!

Matt Hancock - Plumber Flushes The Nonsense

You can go on holiday, yes, you can go to Wales, yes, but you cannot see your neighbour, and these are laws - but they're not laws, OK? Matt Hancock is a complete and utter cretin and his draconian 'laws' and clear pro-vaccinations 'I LOVE BILL GATES' agenda reveal the complete and utter deceitful little scummy person he is. He harms people. He spreads fear - illogically. He takes away livelihoods. All it takes is a typical, working class guy to see right through him - and a very confused female TV presenter... And where are the rest of the 'UK' Parliament? Well, they're on their hols, darling, having a lovely time - along with their jobs-for-the-boys-and-girls-counterparts at the Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish parliaments. Sheesh. How many of these cretins do we need to be forking out for? If we have a 'UK' (England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland) parliament, surely that's enough? And, if not, why doesn't England ha...

Pam Popper - Another Voice of Sanity

American Pam Popper is one of those rare sane voices on the Web in the Covid-19 madness. Outside of America, what the hell is going on in Melbourne, Australia? More testing, more 'positives', more hysteria. Lockdown! Curfew! There is a worldwide agenda here, no doubt about it. Pam is recruiting sane Americans at  and writing a book - Covid Operations . As hysteria mounts over positive tests (not terribly reliable ones) rather than deaths (co-morbidities are down, so the 'Virus' will be even less evident), the tests are being classified as 'cases', although the vast majority of those tested are not ill. Pam has other interesting info on the madness of testing in America during the video. The hysteria must remain, until Bill and Melinda's pals can get their vaccine launched. In England, sorry, I mean 'UK', Matt Hancock is barely able to hide his smirks at the prospect. Listen to Pam above. She has an upda...

Berlin: 'The Day of Freedom, The End of the Pandemic' Protest...

Why is it that such nonsensical terminology is used on the World Wide Web? People protesting Coronavirus restrictions in Berlin have been smeared as 'Far Right'. Where on earth do the smearers get their findings? I'm an old Leftie, I was incredibly disillusioned by Blair, and know that the Labour Party in any meaningful form is long dead. So, does that make me 'Far Right'? I favour public spending and higher taxation of the rich to support that, and the NHS (not the asymmetric national devolution version we currently 'enjoy') and workers' rights. How many Champagne/Islington Socialists can say the same - truly? And in backing the oppression of millions of people, apparently for a virus with a less than 1% death rate, are they really liberal and caring? As for vaccines... I'm not anti-vax, but I do tend to look at all the facts. Anybody not following Matt Hancock or the WHO's opinion on subject is apparently stupid. No. Vaccinations are big...

Peter Hitchens: Boris Johnson - Addicted to Dictates?

So, the virus has a less than 1% death rate. The tests are admitted to be not wholly accurate. Positive tests do not equal illness - and increasing numbers of tests exponentially is bound to result in more positives. Public Health England has been caught cooking the stats. Many deaths recorded are 'with' rather than 'of' Covid-19. So, Matt Hancock locks down parts of the North of England AGAIN. This is mad. It is not protecting the NHS. The NHS is tax-funded. Remove the workers and... guess what? Well, that removes the NHS. What on earth is the Johnson government doing? And where are the MPs? Apparently we're in a national crisis and they're off sunning themselves, fully paid (by us), leaving Johnson and Hancock and Whitty unchallenged? Peter Hitchens has some interesting thoughts on the subject in conversation with Mike Graham on Talk Radio above.

Another Doctor Speaks Out

More and more everyday, dedicated doctors are speaking out against the Covid-19 agenda. They get censored and smeared by the mainstream media. Why? They simply recommend a safe drug which is enormously cheap and has been around for sixty-five years - and is used for pregnant mothers and children. Why not push it forward, allow it? What's to lose? Far safer than a rushed-through vaccine. Oh, I know - the reason for all the smearing and censorship is fear and ignorance in the general population, political motives from the likes of Anthony Fauci and Matt Hancock and mass fear-mongering created by the prospect of a major loss of cash for Big Pharma and its 'immunisation' agenda.

Matt Hancock's Not-So-Secret Agenda...

Matt Hancock - the power hungry purveyor of fear. So, the 'UK' Government uses the PCR test (not that reliable and according to its late creator, Kary Mullis, not suitable for this purpose) to test people for Covid-19 and if they test positive in large enough numbers, even though the vast majority are perfectly well, you lock them down - as Matt Hancock has just done to part of the North of England. It's not illnesses (the virus has a less than 1% death rate anyway) it's simply positive tests. Brandish the whip, Mr Hancock! Lockdown! Civil liberties? No, whip up hysteria and OCD beyond all reason and Lockdown! Matt Hancock wants you vaccinated. Matt Hancock is a fan of Bill Gates. Bill Gates is not a doctor, by the way. We're not anti-vaxx here, but we do think people have the right to all the information about vaccines - there is a lot the MSM and politicians don't highlight - and a right to choose. A rushed-through vaccine for a virus like this is simp...

Senator Scott Jenson - Refused To Lie On Death Certificates Re: Coronavirus And Went Public...

Another doctor - and also an American senator - in trouble for speaking the truth about Covid-19. What is going on here? The mainstream media keeps pumping the fear, the likes of vaccine agenda-crazed Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Matt Hancock rub their hands in glee. Wake up, people. You are not under the command of people with your best interests at heart. Del Bigtree interviews Mr Jensen above.

Dr Simone Gold - How To Get Fired From Your Job In The Covid-19 Year - Tell The Truth To Save Lives...

Dr Simone Gold, one of the brave American Frontline doctors, has been fired from her job for recommending a medication which has been used for pregnant and breast feeding women, and children, for sixty-five years. The medication - hydroxychloroquine - was shamelessly tested at unsafe doses to discredit it in the Covid-19 era so that the vaccine/people tracking/masks/lockdowns agendas of despots like Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson could continue - and because Donald Trump recommended it early on. Give people a safe dose of aspirin and they're great, aren't they? Give them an unsafe dose and oh dear! Same scenario - absolutely. Well, I don't give a stuff about politics - I don't care who sniffed out the facts early on - LIVES could have been saved by this drug - and the World Health Organisation, a body filled with corruption and sponsored by Bill Gates, has discredited it to push its own agenda - which is one of fear and oppression for ...

Coronavirus: Anthony Fauci, Matt Hancock And Bill Gates (Big Pharma) Versus REAL Doctors

Well, everybody's being censored - including doctors who have been treating Covid-19 with a drug which has been around for sixty-five years - and is used by pregnant and breast feeding women. The governments of the world face having to get off of their power trips and Big Pharma faces a huge dent in its profits if it can't rush through a vaccine without proper testing. So, let people die and discredit the drug seems to be the current modus operandi of Mr Fauci, Gates, the WHO, Matt Hancock, etc. Give fatal doses of the drug in trials to discredit it (would you take sixty paracetamol? Same scenario). Del Bigtree has some fascinating facts here. And Matt Hancock should be immediately removed from his bizarre position as 'UK' Health Secretary (a strange title in a post-devolution union) - and thoroughly investigated. Criminal charges should be brought because, although the virus has a very low death rate, there are vulnerable groups who have been mistreated - and ha...