Face Mask Fines? Who Do You Think You Are Kidding, Boris Johnson?

Boris Johnson follows the agenda and bugger the people!

Boris Johnson 'UK' Prime Minister, has ordered that fines will be raised for people not wearing face masks. Up to £3,200. Only in England, of course. His 'UK' title is mainly grandiose nonsense. The other countries may or may not follow, but even in a time of 'great crisis' (his story) he can't make them.

My dear Mr Johnson! Stop being an idiot! All that impassioned stuff about being tough on your nearest and dearest, or whatever dreadful cobblers you were spouting. It was sickening.

Now, I don't think you're 'nuts' (as you so articulately called Dr Vernon Coleman), but I do believe that you are a frontman for an agenda that is being forced worldwide. It's about rushed-through vaccines. It's about contact tracing. It's about a 'Great Reset'. It's about using a massive psyop to force through things the public would never agree to otherwise.

Firstly, the 'virus' has a less than 1% death rate, we know that Public Health England was cooking the stats, we know that a huge number of those who died were elderly people with co-morbidities who were shunted out of hospitals and into care homes - by you.

We know that up to this year masks were not recommended for this kind of thing, and that they are pretty useless. Goodness knows what SAGE, Matt Hancock, Patrick Vallance and Chris Whitty are like. But they're not idiots. Like you, they are following an agenda - cold heartedly and ruthlessly.

Think of the number of people waiting for hospital treatment. Think of the number of people with undiagnosed terminal illnesses - terminal because they've been kept waiting for hospital appointments. Think of the child abuse and violence which have come from your lockdowns. Think of the suicides - and those to come. You have blood on your hands. So do all 'UK' politicians, regardless of party, who have not questioned all this.

So, you plan to beef up the fines for not wearing a mask (in very hot weather - although they weren't appropriate in March). You cannot enforce that. Those who are exempt from mask wearing CANNOT wear them, and despite the dreadful Cressida Dick recommending that shoppers try and 'shame' people out of stores for not wearing, doesn't that just amount to discrimination against physically challenged people? And if you really think we have enough police to go around imposing these fines, or trying to, you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. Yep, dispatch a police officer, he/she is told 'I'm exempt' and what a great use of police time that is!

You spout meaningless hot air. The tests are not illnesses, and the late Kary Mullis, who devised the test back in the 1980s, stated it should not be used for this purpose.

Increased number of cases? No. Hugely increased number of tests. And those taking the tests are mainly asymptomatic.

Your ship is sinking. Your arguments are non-existent and the facts are plain to any observer not scared out of their wits by your campaign. What's the plan for The Second Wave? Attribute all flu deaths to Covid-19 from September onwards, or is there an even more sinister plan somewhere there? What are you going to do? Poison us?

Or will a rushed-through vaccine (and vaccines should never be rushed through) do that job?

You need to answer all these charges/concerns - FULLY AND TRUTHFULLY. And then you, and every other 'UK' politician, needs to resign. Then we can have a proper Great Reset. One for and by the people.


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