Dr Vernon Coleman on Zombies and Trolls...

Wearing a mask... there's an awful lot of scientific studies - up and to and including 2020 by the likes of the WHO - which show masks are not effective against viruses. But the mysterious phrase 'following the science' is rolled out by the likes of Chris Whitty and Matt Hancock and the vast majority get muzzled.

In England, many of the mask wearers seem to be virtue signallers - strolling around, looking terribly pleased with themselves - for not examining the facts. There are bullies too - exulting in being able to shout at other people for not wearing masks.

Cressida Dick advised shaming, after all.

A friend of mine - I'll call her Gloria - is an elderly woman. Like me, she's the product of an ancient ancestry here - generations of English peasants, all tugging the forelock to the Establishment and doing what they're told. She lives with her cat, and, if Mr Whitty or Mr Hancock say she has to wear a mask, she will. She's a lovely person - but so submissive it's sad. She's overweight and not comfortable in a mask, and I worry about her health while she's wearing one because her breathing often becomes laboured, but when I say, 'And all this for a virus with a less than 1% death rate,' she simply smiles and carries on.

Mr Whitty and Mr Hancock and Mr Johnson wouldn't lie to her, she believes.

I don't know what the hell SAGE are up to, but it sure ain't objective or scientific.

I suppose Gloria is a zombie. She watches the BBC morning till night to keep up with the 'news' and never dreams that 'Authority' is actually there to serve her. Or should be. No, no - it's there to tell her what to do, and she doesn't question it.

Listen to Vernon Coleman on the subject of Zombies and Trolls - the Web is full of people lock-capitalling 'GRANNY KILLER' and the like. All objective thought and/or kindness seems lost seems lost for the vast majority.

And that includes Mr Whitty, Mr Hancock and Mr Johnson.


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