Vernon Coleman on Vaccines and Agenda 21...

Always on the button, Dr Vernon Coleman, 'an old man in a chair' with a good few brain cells to rub together, has been at the forefront of the Coronavirus agenda debunking for quite some time. Here, he tells us all about vaccines - bonanza time for vaccine companies and doctors once they can jab with you with the rushed-through Covid-19 vaccine.

All the governments of the world, corrupted by the WHO, Bill and Melinda Gates (same organisation) and so on must just keep you scared until the jab is ready.

Recessions and Depressions, courtesy of lockdowns? Deaths of thousands, possibly millions, because of those, food shortages, etc? No worries. It's all worth it for the Great Reset. Prince Charles and the like adore the idea. Individual lives? Pah! You ain't getting your lives back anyway. Not unless you stand up - and soon.


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