Another UK City Lockdown, Nicola Sturgeon And JP Sears...

Sometimes you need some humour. That strange (and rather expensive) vessel of the devolved-but-still-UK-State, Nicola Sturgeon, has lock-downed Aberdeen, and no, it's not illnesses. It's tests. It's a cluster of tests. Very much the same as in England and Wales. Nicola is wearing a very tartan mask - because if you don't identify with her culture she doesn't like you and she wants to push it up your nose. Or, in this case, over your nose if you're in that part of Northern Britain. Up there, you cannot simply be British, although the area voted to stay in the UK. Inclusive? Nope. But that's her all over.

Yep, they actually had a referendum on whether to stay or not, voted to stay, then foisted HER on us. Half their luck. No referendums for the vast majority of us, of course here in England. Lower spending on essential services per-head via the odious Barnett Formula, too. But that's 'UK' democracy in action.

Nicola of course, who hasn't got an 'anti-English bone in her body', nevertheless makes lots of bitchy remarks and, although she's not a racist either, is very keen on the rather white EU set-up, and not at all keen on the ethnically-diverse country next door to her - England.

Meanwhile, much saner American JP Sears tells us all about how to keep safe and healthy. Love JP. Thanks, mate!


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