Dr. Heiko Khoo challenges Neil Ferguson at the 2021 Annual Sowerby Lecture.

Professor Neil Ferguson (known commonly as 'Professor Lockdown' and a former member of SAGE guilty of advising the government on their criminal policy of unconstitutional lockdowns) is challenged by an attendee at the King's College Sowerby Lecture.

Professor Ferguson was seemingly previously caught breaking the lockdown diktats that he himself advised upon, in order to copulate with another man's wife.

2nd November 2021, London
2021 Annual Sowerby Lecture: Professor Neil Ferguson
King's College London

Neil Ferguson, Officer of the British Empire, didn't deserve an academic debate, he should have been treated and interviewed as a criminal and citizens/sovereigns could have made a lawful arrest on him for fraud, perjury, murder, genocide, crimes against humainty and treason. Neil does appear to have a very dark trail and accrued some very heavy karma. He was behind the mass culling/sacrifice of millions of animals through the alleged mad cows disease and foot and mouth outbreak that not only fitted globalist policies for farming in UK but also destroyed many farmers, many committing suicide. He was also behind the corrupt fake green science with regards to computer modelling for the alleged climate change theories. He helped to seriously hype up several previous pandemic scares such as bird, swine flu and ebola. Neil would have connections with Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN and WHO. His lover apparently was an XR activist pushing the globalist agenda.
Here's wikipedia for starters: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeilFerguson(epidemiologist

As I've commented many times, Ferguson is profoundly unworthy of the title "professor". Either he is incompetent in the extreme or he is utterly corrupt. His models have proven to be wrong time and time again, yet he is treated as if he is some sort of sage. This cretin needs to pay dearly for the damage he has done.

Heiko is my choice, from many, for hero of 2021. Take way his mic he'll deliver even more clearly, he can shout while holding to a cohesive argument & even putting a big fat red arse in front of the camera won't stop his message getting out. As for Prof. Neil Ferguson his name will go down in infamy, he's the govt 'top expert' of choice & modelled c100k per day infections but recently forced to admit as a wild overestimate. Previously he predicted 65K deaths from Swine 'Flu in 2009 that killed 457. Then even the MSM asked Q's. See why govt chose him yet again? How irresponsible/paid-for & immoral has Ferguson's influence been? However, such govt experts have provided the 'academic' basis the govt needed for coerced/forced vaccination of its population.

Thank you, to everyone standing in their autonomy! Freedom is a GOD given human right. CONsent will dehumanize you.



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