Joining The Dots: Matt Hancock, Angela Merkel, Vladimir Putin, Boris Johnson, Prince Charles, Joe Biden, Greta Thunberg, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab...

The World Economic Forum has no impact on world affairs, does it? Surely, Klaus Schwab's Great Reset is just a suggestion? He doesn't carry any clout with our elected representatives? OK, he might invite them to Davos, but surely they don't go because they're busy working for us and they care about us and... HAH!

All roads lead to the World Economic Forum and Big Pharma. 'Our' politicians serve them, not you. Create a big worry. Let's call it 'Climate Change'... let's invite a mentally ill young woman to talk about it - get society onside...

Here she is - safely at the WEF! She's not a scientist, but she'll grab the public sympathy and inflame everybody. After all, she's a young woman and she has mental health challenges. Now, let's scare everybody, claim a scientific consensus on the subject of climate change, say it's definitely human-made, and start implementing our real agenda - hiding it behind the green mask of environmentalism...

A WEF love fest with American president Joe Biden and, of course, Klaus Schwab.

Oh look! Here's French president Emmanuel Macron with Klaus Schwab at the WEF. A few days at a luxury ski resort absorbing the completely non-representative billionaires' and millionaires' indoctrination, and Macron goes happily home - to terrorise and ride completely roughshod over 'his' people's rights. It's the same the whole world over...

Here's Justin Trudeau of Canada with Klaus. Such a tiny, tiny world. What a laugh, eh, chaps? Chortle, chortle! All these 'top' politicians flocking to a private organisation - and doing its bidding. But all this doesn't affect England, does it? No, surely not. I mean, our politicians would never back an unelected body's dictates...

Oh dear. No, luvvie, sorry. Matt Hancock adores Davos, adores Klaus Schwab, and endorses Klaus's Fourth Industrial Revolution at the 'UK' Parliament. Matt's ambitions and ruthlessness are far more rampant than his faintly bossy exterior and receding hairline would indicate. 

And Boris - big bad Boris - has been intoning the WEF's 'Build Back Better' mantra - a sure sign of a Reset mindset. Oh dear indeed!

And Tony Blair. Well, he's not even supposed to represent us anyway, but he's amazingly interfering, isn't he? And here he is, with Klaus Schwab.

And, this is a surprise, Vladimir Putin with Klaus Schwab at the WEF. Well, it must be a world wide agenda, musn't it? Everybody on board? Yep! 

Now, here's a major backer of the Climate Change agenda and another beautifully unelected person - yep, it's Prince Charles! And, oh look, he's a great pal of Klaus Schwab! The world must be the size of a pea.

Oh look - here's Charlie's boy - another beautifully unelected person - Prince William with Klaus Schwab! William and his wife Kate are called the 'Cambridges'. They don't come from there (in fact, there are two Cambridges in England and William and Kate don't originate from either). Rather as Charles doesn't come from Wales. And - oh golly - there's old luvvie David Attenborough hovering on the fringes. 'Wills', that darling baby of 1982, adores Klaus Schwab. And, although Wills too is unelected, he has tremendous clout, and will do all he can to further the evil cause.

You see, Klaus Schwab is a very old pal of William's daddy. Here they are at Davos in 1992 - the year of Agenda 21. Charles looks faintly bilious in this adorable pic. The roast duck in orange sauce with chestnuts was probably a little rich.

But the Climate Change alarmism isn't bringing in the Great Reset fast enough. OK, let's have an exercise about a global pandemic - a coronavirus - and call it Event 201. We'll follow that straight up with a real, live pandemic scam. We won't hide Event 201, and people will never believe it's related! We'll just say that's a conspiracy theory! We were perfectly open! The WHO had prepared the ground already - in 2009 - when they tried to flog vaccines on the back of Swine Flu and declared pandemics need no longer be particularly dangerous or deadly.

The great elite and Big Pharma need everybody to be terrified, vaccinated, and ready to be tracked, traced, accept the loss of their livelihoods and to be thoroughly cowed long term. The type of vaccine is actually totally new - and more appropriately called gene therapy, but what a test of public acceptance of their scam it is! They wonder how many will take it. Ooh, millions! Angela Merkel and Bill Gates think it's adorable.

Oh, look - Bill Gates again - huge WEF supporter - with Klaus Schwab. What a tremendous surprise!

'Hey, Billy boy, good to see you!' says Boris Johnson. Those that question the 'vaccine' are 'nuts', according to Boris, but like Patrick Vallance, Chris Whitty and Matt Hancock, he won't debate them. As Dr Vernon Coleman has discovered.

These two British weasels love Bill Gates!

So, it's an amazingly small world when it comes to the covid agenda, isn't it? The WHO is mired in this world, as is the UN.

Just join the dots and voila - there you have it. An elite without our best interests at heart, serving corporate greed and an end to democracy, and politicians flocking around them to further their goals - and stuff the people.

And they won't stop.

Unless people stand up against it.

If you won't do it for you, think of the future generations.



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