Our Hall of Infamy... Starring Jacinda Ardern, Sajid Javid, Bill and Melinda Gates, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden, Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Nicola Sturgeon, Anthony Fauci, 'Prince' Charles, Chris Whitty And KLAUS SCHWAB

We've updated our blog header today - our Hall of Infamy. So, which evil miscreants of the Great Reset/Build Back Better/Climate Change/covid scam are in the frames now?

Well, starting at the top, we have Herr Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum. In the full picture, he's waving around a copy of his book - The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Just below we have ex-'UK' (England only really) health secretary Matt Midazolam Hancock with his (then) evil toady (England's chief medical officer) Chris Whitty. To the right - oh look - it's Klaus Schwab with evil old 'royal' Pisspot Charles Windsor, and, over to the right again, a photograph of a Great Reset poster in a shopping centre in England - telling us how wonderful lockdowns are for reducing climate change (the green mask of 'settled' science). 

Below that, Bill 'Jabber' Gates and his dear pal Tony 'The Unaccountable' Fauci. Over to the left, oh look - it's Klaus 'Dr Strange Pork' Schwab and Emmanuel 'The Beak' Macron at the World Economic Forum. And - heavens - beside that - New Zealand's own Fuhrer Jacinda Arden - and she's at the World Economic Forum too!! Well, I never!

Below her are Bill Gates and Angela Merkel - darling of the EU - at the World Economic Forum. To the right, Matt Midazolam Hancock pretending to cry - and, as a result, looking rather like a balding chipmunk suffering a sudden stroke - and happy with Klaus Schwab - at the World Economic Forum. Next to that Bill Gates with Nicola 'Wee Nippy' Sturgeon - tin-pot dictator of a devolved arm of the UK Parliament (much as she likes to see herself as some sort of vengeful rodent queen of her own major nation). And above that - Herr Schwab again, and Chris 'Do I frighten you?' Whitty.

On we go - and there's Bill and Melinda Gates. They may be divorcing, but never forget the many years of their evil alliance. And below, Joe Biden - and Klaus Schwab. What does that writing say behind them? Oh, yes - 'World Economic Forum'. Below that, we have fat rat Boris 'Build Back Better' Johnson. Apparently he was desperately ill with covid at one stage. Plenty of men of his age around in our lives - and none of them have been. 

To the right of Beastly Boris we have UNCLE FESTER! Yep, it's jabbing Sajid Javid - and, oh look - he's at the World Economic Forum, enjoying a luxury break and the smell of wonga and depopulation and technocracy hanging heavy in the air. 

Below Saj, we have - would you believe it - Baron Von Green-Back again - Klaus Schwab - with that highly popular Canadian Justin Trudeau - at the World Economic Forum!! And, to finish on, Bill 'Killer' Gates and Matt 'Mad And Murderous' Hancock once more.

The photographs tell a very clear story, don't they?

Hang the bloody lot of them. We're going to hang Neil Ferguson and Gladys Berejiklian in our the Hall of Infamy soon.


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