'UK' Parliament Petition To Prevent Discrimination Against The Unjabbed... URGENT - Please Sign... Last Day...

Outlaw discrimination against those who do not get a Covid-19 vaccination

The individual must remain sovereign over their own body, discrimination against those who cannot or will not be vaccinated against COVID is incompatible with a free democracy. The Government must take firm action to prevent 'vaccination passports' and discriminatory 'no jab, no job' policies.

If you are a 'UK' citizen, please sign this important petition at the 'UK' Parliament website. The site is still flashing up bizarre COVID warnings (note capital letters - which real mass killers such as cancer do not qualify for, but does give the whole thing an alarmist air) and we all know the facts about PCR tests, Midazolam, face masks, Klaus Schwab, the WHO, the United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc - and the complicit nature of 'our' greedy MPs. The link to sign is here - and today is the last day (24/8/21):


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