Nina Myskow And Beverley Turner: Nina Knows Best. Even Better Than Dr Michael Yeadon, Dr Sam White, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Kary Mullis... Take A Look At Some Of Her Work...

Nina Myskow, we remember, was a kind of 'b list' 'celeb of the 1980s. She wrote bitchy TV columns in a tabloid newspaper, and cropped up on TV now and then. Fortunately, by then, we had a remote control so we were able to flip channels with ease.

We never liked her. She seemed to be a kind of failed attempt at Alexis Carrington, Joan Collins's character in Dynasty, and was not as engaging, not as witty or clever as she thought.

And now, on the Jeremy Vine Show, she has attacked a young woman called Beverley Turner. Nina thinks the epidemiologists and doctors and scientists in the WHO/world governments clique know best and that the experimental jabs she has gone sashaying off to have do not keep her safe from the 'covid' virus - even when social distancing is practised.

Why have them then, darling?

Nina saw her opportunity to attack Beverley in public and win applause from the untested 'vaccine' supporters.

Well, Nina, dear, guess what? 

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, said it cannot diagnose viruses. Yes, he invented it in the 1980s and won a Nobel Prize for it in the early 1990s. He is featured in many videos on line. He died the year before Christian Drosten, an academic with a rather questionable background, decided to use the test for covid.

It doesn't diagnose viruses or anything.

Don't you trust the inventor, Nina?

Dr Mike Yeadon is an ex-vice president of Pfizer. He is gravely concerned about the whole pandemic scenario. He doesn't match your criteria as an expert, Nina?

And what about Professor Sucharit Bhakdi? Professor Delores Cahill? Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, who uncovered major fraud at the WHO after the Swine Flu 'pandemic' and knows far more about epidemics and pandemics than you know about writing witty TV reviews? Dr Sam White, an English doctor, who has resigned from his practice and is bringing a legal action against NHS England for trying to muzzle him? Reiner Fuellmich, planning major legal action and, hopefully, new Nuremberg style hearings for those carrying out this outrage? There are oodles of others, darling.

And they all make far more sense than Neil 'failed computer models' Ferguson (breaking his lockdown for a bit of extra-marital rumpy pumpy), Matt 'I Love the WEF' Hancock, or Susan 'Wear Masks Forever' Michie.

What about the designations of deaths - 'with' covid, proved by a test which doesn't test for covid or anything and usually at advanced age and with severe comorbidities? What about the involuntary Do Not Resuscitate orders? What about 'Protecting the NHS' by destroying its source of funding?

You see, if people can't work, we can't have an NHS.

What about the side effects? Already, we're hearing about deaths, blood clots, heart inflammation in young men, irregular menstruation in women, miscarriages, and more. And this is very early in the campaign.

Side effects can take much longer to show.

You cannot force people to take medical treatments - particularly UNTESTED medical treatments, and the 'vaccine' only has emergency use authorisation.

For a 'virus' with an over 99% survival rate.

Nobody challenging this jab is necessarily an 'anti-vaxxer'.

Just anti-experimental jabs, of a type never used before.

Of course, Nina, we can't expect better from you. Sadly. Even glancing back to your work in the 1980s provokes nothing more than a slight shudder and a yawn.

Here's one of Nina's TV columns - this one is from 1982. Isn't it witty? Such great fun. She was upset that the 'Fame' theme tune wasn't on the album, and bitching about a newsreader's 'tache. This clearly shows why Nina is so qualified to insist everybody gets the jab in the 21st Century. Kary Mullis? Wolfgang Wodarg? Mike Yeadon? Pah! What do THEY know? Yes, I am being sarcastic.


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