The Foppish Sycophantic Murderer - Matt Hancock...

Klaus Schwab with his book 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'. 'YOU WILL OBEY!'

Matt Hancock is an unpleasant individual. He worships power and money, doesn't give a fig about human life and democracy, and is eager to suck up to the 1% whenever possible. To this end, in 2017, he came dashing back from seeing Klaus Schwab, the multi-millionaire (billionaire?) head of the World Economic Forum.

Matt, who was then UK Digital minister, was eager to implement Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution.

'And I’m delighted to speak alongside so many impressive colleagues who really understand this, and alongside Professor Klaus Schwab who literally ‘wrote the book’ on the 4th Industrial Revolution. Your work, bringing together as you do all the best minds on the planet, has informed what we are doing, and I’m delighted to work with you.'

Best minds on the planet? The WEF? Who says?

How about asking the people? After all, Schwab is completely unaccountable? 


Matt Hancock clearly feels that the sun shines out of Schwab's backside.

And hang democracy.

Did money change hands?

I should be more surprised if not. Can't imagine Matt, the geeky overgrown 1990s teenager, having a lot to be blackmailed about. Well, not up to recent years.

Matt Hancock with Klaus Schwab: 

Matt: 'Oh, Herr Schwab, you are wonderful! I'll take all this back to England and shove it through! Oh, you're one of the greatest minds in the world!'

Schwab: 'Here is a million pounds for you,'

Matt (pocketing the money): 'Ta, guv.'

A move to 'UK' (England mainly) health minister saw Matty jumping on the vaccines bandwagon.

He wanted all school children jabbed. After all, he 'reasoned', the government provided schools, so the people had their responsibilities too.

Um, Matt, the people PAY for those schools - and your salary. Aside from what you are raking in from elsewhere.

Insight into Matt's reasoning powers were revealing an appalling arrogance and a dreadful tendency to 'suck up' to the super rich as he appeared, fawning of course, with Bill Gates.

As the covid scenario unfolded, Matt saw no reason not to shuffle thousands of people out of hospitals in England and into care homes during the flu season, apply involuntary Do Not Resuscitate Orders, and applaud the inappropriate usage of the PCR test to diagnose covid 'cases'.

As diagnosis and treatment of REAL life threatening illnesses waiting lists spiralled, Matt stated that things like cancer would have to wait.

Hands dripping in blood, Matt then accused those reluctant to take a completely new and untested 'vaccine' - in reality a gene therapy - of having 'blood on their hands'.

Matt continues to back the agenda.

Meanwhile, big Boris Johnson, a fan of depopulation (though not for himself - he still pumps out sprogs in his 50s) has married a 'green mask' environmentalist called Carrie Symonds, and nods through the agenda.

And Johnson wants the whole world jabbed with the untested gene therapy by the end of 2022 - for a virus which relies on an inappropriate test to prove its existence, and has an over 99% survival rate.

With Chris Whitty, England's Chief Medical Officer, and Patrick Vallance (UK government gravy train rider) ramping up fear with silly computer models, along with the bizarre SAGE organisation - using psychology AGAINST the people, and the likes of Keir Starmer demanding even stricter measures, England is pretty well sunk.

Along with the devolved countries.

But the scam is so transparent it hurts.

Somebody recently suggested that a culling may be long overdue, given the comatose nature of the majority in questioning and investigating the covid scenario.

But the world being controlled by mad people (or even madder people - it's never been that sane), with a complete disregard for human life, is not a good idea.

We owe it to future generations to fight.

Matt Hancock, Jacinda Ardern, Klaus Schwab, Nicola Sturgeon, Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson, Keir Starmer, Christian Drosten, Bill and Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, etc, etc, etc, MUST be brought to justice.

And sanity (or at least some semblance of it) MUST return.


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