
Showing posts from May, 2021

Liar Matt Hancock On 'Indian Variant' 'Cases' Based On PCR Tests Which Do Not Diagnose ANY 'Cases'...

This corrupt politician is the ideal person in Klaus Schwab's eyes to advance the Great Reset agenda. Yep, the 'Indian Variant' 'cases' are rising fast, according to Matthew, based on a test which does not diagnose anything. And just when/how were these 'variants' isolated? You are perfectly well? No, no, the inappropriate test says otherwise - you are an asymptomatic spreader! This 'person' is a liar supreme. A murderer too. Anyone for involuntary Do Not Resuscitate Orders and being shuffled from a hospital into a care home at the height of the flu season? Anybody for being locked in and denied diagnosis/treatment for real diseases? The public must awake. Matt is so evil - a real-life, 18-rated Hooded Claw for the 21st Century.  Penelope Pitstop would not have stood a chance. Nor does anybody else - unless they wake up. Matt Handclaw: 'I'm going to lock you down, bankrupt you and make you take an untested vaccine by diagnosing an illness wit...

March For Freedom, London, England, 29/05/21

Courtesy of Brand New Tube, over five hours of footage from the London, England, March For Freedom, 29/05/21. The 'legacy' (on its last legs) media misrepresents and plays it down - but then the 'legacy' media is so up to its eyeballs in the covid scam that it can't even investigate PCR tests. Enjoy some of what REALLY happened.

Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Dr Simone Gold - Escaping From Wuhan - Keeping A Pretend Virus 'Real'...

Oh dear! The virus escaped from a Wuhan lab! Oh dear! Um, I don't believe that. That's just the latest scam to convince the public that the virus is something real and terribly threatening. And if it means throwing Anthony Fauci under the bus? Well, in reality, he deserves it, and the Elite don't care who they sacrifice to advance their Great Reset agenda. Matt Hancock - you nasty little creature, be warned. You may be bedazzled by the money and influence of the likes of Klaus Schwab but, believe me, you won't always be useful, despite resorting to murder on their behalf. The casedemic will continue as long as the PCR tests are used, deaths will continue to be misattributed to the 'virus' and the public will stay scared and compliant until their independent incomes have totally gone and they scrabble desperately to obey dictates to secure a paltry universal income. Great interview here with Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Simone Gold, of America's Frontline Doctors....

Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Brian Gerrish of the UK Column

Brian Gerrish of the UK Column is interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich. His findings on the use of applied behavioural psychology against the public in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by the so-called 'UK' government and its devolved arms is fascinating - and the wider scenario he presents - into France and the rest of the European Union. 'Ramp up fear'? Oh, yes. Communities being used to 'police each other'? Oh yes. Divide, rule and shove the Great Reset through. By any means. That's the game. Boris Johnson - serving the people? No, no - that's NOT the idea.

Paul Weston On The Covid Scenario And The Great Reset...

The Western World governments are determined to implement Klaus Schwab's Great Reset. No, it's not a conspiracy theory. It's the subject of a book he wrote and a website by his World Economic Forum. This is why we have the covid scenario. Klaus doesn't have that kind of clout? Oh, he does. Our democratically elected politicians scurry off to Davos each year and come back determined to make his dictates reality. Are they what the people want? Are they good for the people? Are they in our best interests? We don't get asked. Witness the ghastly Matt Hancock scurrying in, determined to implement Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution in 2017 at the 'UK' Parliament site: 21 June will not see the end of the coronavirus dictates. The public has been so trusting, the 'UK' Government and its devolved arms think all their Christmases have come at once. We are on track to be tracked,...

R.I.P Lisa Shaw - Shame On The BBC And The Mainstream Media...

Lisa Shaw, 44-year-old wife, mother (to a seven-year-old) and BBC employee has died from blood clotting after receiving the AstraZeneca 'vaccine' (experimental gene therapy). The media, even including her own bosses, moved to cover this up by simply stating she died after a 'short illness'. Why the hell do we need an experimental gene therapy for a so-called 'virus' with a more than 99% survival rate anyway? And one which relies on an inappropriate test - which cannot diagnose 'covid' - and mangling the statistics - to prove it even exists? The BBC and the rest of the media are becoming more complicit in all this by the day. The BBC fails not only the general public, who pay for it, but now one of their own employees. R.I.P Lisa Shaw.

Facebook Insider Morgan Kahmann Suspended For Leaking 'Vaccine Hesitancy' Internal Documents...

  Do you really want an untested vaccine (gene therapy) for a virus which depends on inappropriate tests and the ridiculous notion of 'asymptomatic transmission' to prove its existence? If you have any objectivity, you will say no. But this is what Matt Hancock, Jacinda Ardern, Angela Merkel, Joe Biden, etc, etc, etc, expect - aided by the mainstream media and its platforms online. They sing in perfect unison (or lockstep) from the Klaus Schwab hymnbook of The Great Reset. As does Facebook. Morgan Kahmann has just been suspended for leaking internal documents from Facebook. If you don't get the 'vaccine' you will be singled out as an enemy of society. Morgan is a brave man, whose conscience, despite having a family to support, would not allow him to continue unheard. And he reckons around 25% of staff there have problems with the Facebook attitude - which, once again, is in lockstep with other mainstream platforms and media. One of the factors which made up his mind...

Reiner Fuellmich - Latest

Reiner Fuellmich brings us up to date with the current state of affairs - the breakdown of rule of law, judges intimidated, mangled stats and the inappropriate PCR test, mask mandates, untrialled 'vaccines', lockdowns and our battle against the self appointed political and corporate elite.

How Naples Responded to a Night Curfew...

We've been fans of Italy since we holidayed there in 1989. But now we're even more admiring. This is how Naples responded to the imposition of a curfew for the NWO - oh, sorry, we mean the 'virus' with the over 99% survival rate, the inappropriate test and the cooked-up stats. Well done to all our brothers and sisters in arms in Naples. This sort of thing is all it takes to overturn the draconian removal of our basic freedoms. The despots in governments cannot stand against such numbers.

The War On 'Vaccine Hesitancy' - Facebook Whistleblowers Speak Out

Of course, we don't have any time for Facebook here. Too busy fighting the agenda to want to post our favourite piccy of us in 1985 (the wonders of mousse!) or the cat or our boiled egg, but Facebook, of course, is part of the wider technocratic picture. Backing the agenda of coercing people into having an untested experimental gene therapy (not vaccine), and attempting to silence those who question. Now, two brave men have come forward as whistleblowers to speak about what is going on at Facebook and how the organisation's public blurb differs from what is actually going on within the organisation. Mark Zuckerberg's own doubts about the long term effects of the 'vaccine' are now frowned upon by Facebook. Pop on your 'I've been vaccinated' identity and, hey, let's have solidarity here. Untested gene therapies? What could possibly go wrong? Fascinating exposé here from Project Veritas, courtesy of two very brave guys.

London, England, May 29 - March For Freedom

There is another major freedom march in London, England, this Saturday. The mainstream 'legacy' media does its best to ignore or under-report these events, but they are vital. The truth about the numbers attending these marches is absolutely evident via other media online - the 'legacy' media is simply defuncting itself further as an evil servant of an evil system. Please, be there if you can. Whether you live in England or one of the other UK countries, or are simply visiting - studying or whatever, this is a worldwide struggle for freedom and your presence will count. Bring all that's best about you - your sense of justice, your community spirit, your kindness, your humanity ; make new friends (we are stronger together) and make a difference. Please.

Fact Checkers: Coronavirus Vaccines Have Nothing To Do With The Nuremberg Code...

Well, they do. The Nuremberg Code was put in place to protect people after the atrocities of World War 2. We should not be coerced into taking experimental treatments. And that's just what the 'vaccines' (once again, 'jabs' or 'gene therapy' are far more appropriate) are. Fact Checkers? I don't understand why people cannot be allowed to question and investigate on their own behalf. Fact Checkers have a ghastly agenda - back the unproven/disproven (and extremely dubious) case for lockdowns, jabs, etc. Do your own investigations. The control being exercised here is terrifying. Tim Truth delves.

PANDA on The Covid Scenario... Lockdowns, Masks, Statistics, Great Reset, WHO, Jabs, Tedros, Fauci...

66 seconds Dutch intro, English with Dutch subs after  During the first Inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021, Nick Hudson - co-founder of PANDA (Pandemics - Data & Analytics) gave a presentation about the absurdity and harmfulness of lockdowns.  PANDA is known for its strong views on policymakers' responses to Covid-19, lockdowns and other measures to stem the spread of the virus. Understandably, the global organization has caused regular commotion over the past year. Actuary Nick Hudson, in particular, has no qualms about telling the world why lockdowns are downright destructive.  From the studio of Café Weltschmerz, Erik van der Horst speaks, via a video connection, with Nick Hudson. They discuss the founding of PANDA and the creation of the impressive presentation.   “We believed from the beginning that on a number of levels it was wrong to close society and that it was always time to reopen society,” he says. “Very few people are prone t...

Dr Vernon Coleman: Burning Books In 2021

Dr Vernon Coleman, our favourite 'old man in a chair', a hero for these times, takes us into the world of propaganda, intimidation and misinformation which is at the core of the covid scenario. Long planned, with the media fully complicit, we face formidable enemies.  'Follow the science'? What science? When was the original virus isolated? When have the variants been isolated? Why use an inappropriate test which will only vastly inflate numbers and create alarm? When were the so-called vaccines ever properly trialled? Do we usually give untested vaccines (or, in this case, gene therapies) to people? With censorship, and ignoring the voices of those opposing this (no matter how well qualified), a cabal of multi millionaires, evil politicians, big pharma wallahs and crooked media have conspired to usher in the 'Great Reset' - planned for donkey's years. This is why we have the fake pandemic and the climate change pseudo science. Dr Coleman has been the subjec...

Dr Sherri Tenpenny: The Covid Shots Have No 'Off' Button...

Once you have taken the untrialled 'vaccine' (gene therapy - no positive connotation) then you are stuck with it. Whatever the result. It has broken all the rules for human administration. Think seriously before you trust the likes of Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Jacinda Ardern, etc. It's your body.

Hairdresser Notices Something Worrying About Vaccinated Customers... Matt Hancock Doesn't Care...

An English Tony & Guy franchise holder has noticed a pattern of adverse effects amongst his customers from the vaccines being dispensed by the ever eager Matt Hancock. Here, a customer now afflicted with thrombosis speaks out. The hairdresser then takes us through his concerns - from the 'UK' Government's complete lack of willingness to examine and debate the issue to the terrifying VAERS figures from the USA. Meanwhile, Matt Hancock salivates - and wants more victims. Matt Hancock will probably shed genuine tears if you don't put yourself at risk of vaccine injury or death for his hastily-concocted nonsensical stories of 'variants' and 'spikes' based on inappropriate testing and complicit media.

The Sun, The Daily Mail and Other Presstitutes... You Have No Freedom...

Oh dear! Watch this! The 'UK' mainstream print media is now coming for people who refuse to take an untested gene therapy for a fantasy crazy killer pandemic. Actually, a casedemic and media circus. A worldwide psyop. Here, we have presstitutes - press prostitutes - following the government's dictates and trying to ensure that reason and freedom become things of the past. Listen to the Sun : 'Jab Them Up' ! What is this? Nazi Germany? Resist. Continue to resist. The light at the end of the tunnel? Well, I dream of Reiner Fuellmich's efforts, and all the other efforts channelled against this madness. Hopefully, they will bear fruit. The majority of the population seem to be smugly cheering on their culling. Their complacency is so mind blowing it beggars belief.

Manchester Freedom Marchers March On The Arndale Centre...

Does me old heart good. The Arndale Shopping Centre in Manchester is treated to some Freedom Marchers. Favourite placard: 'COVID-1984 - THIS IS AGENDA 2030'.

Tesco - Every Little Bit Of Resistance Helps...

Wonderful video from Northern England, showing a group of men informing the frightened, mask wearing, huddled shoppers about the truth. This is not about a virus. Viruses don't need actors, world governments corruption, inappropriate testing, corrupt statistics, made-up footage, complicit media, money-raking pharma-makers, corrupt scientists, and corrupt organisations like the WHO to make their presence felt. This is about BIG Pharma and the Great Reset, so beloved of Matt Hancock, Jacinda Ardern, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Donald Trump (yep, he's in there!), Nicola Sturgeon, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Keir Starmer, and so on. The next layer is the GREEN MASK of climate change propaganda. Another (fake) reason to oppress you. It's all about getting you tracked, traced, jobless and property-less. It's all about depopulation. It's all about the super rich. WAKE UP ENGLAND! WAKE UP WORLD!

View From The NHS: Your Sons And Daughters Are Next...

Excellent interview with an NHS staff member about her experiences during the covid era. We need more people like this to speak out. The stats are rigged. The tests are inappropriate for this purpose. Waiting lists for essential diagnosis of diseases like cancer are spiralling out of control. A new type of vaccine (gene therapy - and 'therapy' does not imply anything positive) with totally inadequate safety trials (if any) is being rolled out, en masse. Involuntary Do Not Resuscitate Orders are being implemented. Listen, please. Question, please.

The Facts About The 'Vaccines', The PCR Tests And "Covid" - Quickly Explained...

If you've been following the official, absolutely untrue and corrupt narrative, but have any curiosity at all about what is really happening, you've come to the right place. You don't initially want to spend hours wading through data? Then this is the video for you. Everything from the 'vaccine' to the inappropriate PCR testing all in one neat package.

Dr Mike Yeadon: What You Should Be Frightened Of Is The Government...

"What you should be frightened of, I regret to say, is our government.' Dr Mike Yeadon, speech at Canterbury, England, on World Freedom March day, 15/5/2021.

Inspiring Moment From The March For Freedom Rally, London, England...

A bus driver demonstrates support and solidarity for and with the marchers. This wonderful, human gesture demonstrates the attitude which brings hope. We are still human. We can still think. We still have our sense of humanity. Or at least most of us have. Bless this man. Hope the bus company gives him a pay rise. 

The Worldwide Freedom March In London, England. The Mainstream Media Will Not Report This - Or Misrepresent It

15/5/2021 saw the latest world protests against the lockdowns and loss of freedoms in the wake of a 'pandemic' which relies on inappropriate testing and manufactured statistics to even be noticed. Plus the myth of asymptomatic transmission.   We know what 'our' government is up to. We know its dedication to Klaus Schwab, The Climate Green Mask Agenda and Build Back Better/ The Great Reset.   We know that 'our' media is fully complicit, chief of all the odious BBC - which received a visit from the marchers.   If you couldn't make it to the march - or one of the others in the country (great turn out in Manchester!) then take a look at this. Great atmosphere, people standing together. For freedom. Take a look around for footage of other marches elsewhere in the world, including Canada, Holland and Australia. The MSM tries to ignore or smear us. But we will win through. FREEDOM!

London, England, 15th May, 2021 - Worldwide March For The Future Of Humanity

Wherever you're from - if you live in England or you're just visiting - please join the London freedom march tomorrow. This is a fight we must all fight - it's a fight for the future of humanity. Join the march, bring your slogans, your integrity, your humour, your kindness - all the great things which make you who you are. Let's create a good future, free of tyranny, for the future generations. CHOOSE LIFE - NOT FEAR.

Dr Larry Palesvky - Deaths And Side Effects From The Vaccines - Authorities Removing The Evidence...

Dr Larry Palevsky reports alarming news of social media sites being strongly advised by US State authorities not to allow the voices of those suffering side effects from the 'vaccines'. The authorities (rulers) are determined. Women are reporting bizarre happenings with their monthly cycles, and men are also reporting problems with their reproductive organs. Miscarriages are spiralling. And some of these reports are from people who have not been jabbed but have been around people who have. Dr Larry Palevsky reveals the truth about the spike protein, the 'vaccines', the deaths and side effects and the depopulation agenda. We are in the hands of maniacs.

The New World Order Police - Life Will Never Even Remotely Resemble 1983 (Or Even 2019) Again - If We Don't Fight This...

I think that 2019 seems like a far-off paradise. Before all this nonsense. But post the beginning of the 'War On Terror' in 2001. And 1983? Ancient times! Today, Gary, my postman, proudly informed me he'd had his second jab. Arm hurts, he said, but fine otherwise. 'More fool you!' I snapped. We are never going to be free again. And, in direct contravention of the Nuremberg Code, we are going to continue to be coerced into taking experimental 'vaccines'. We are going to be monitored and tracked 24/7. Rogersings NWO News! over at Bitchute came up with the brilliant idea of pairing the current madness with a classic 1980s song - I'll Be Watching You , by The Police, from 1983. And it's chilling and brilliant. Keep up the fight. We all must.

Important Information On Covid - From Professionals OUTSIDE The Anthony Fauci/Independent SAGE/WHO/Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Clique

Ever wondered why governments listen to only a select few 'professionals' during this plandemic, and exclude all other voices? Huge numbers of highly qualified people talking sense about improperly trialled 'vaccines', inappropriate PCR tests, unhealthy and unnecessary mask-wearing, mangled statistics, etc? Well, it's because the governments know exactly what they're doing. They back The Great Reset and they back the scary green mask of (totally unproven) human-made climate change to try and bring that about. They are happy to use this 'virus' to aid the Reset and population reduction. Step away from the clique just for an hour and eleven minutes and listen to what the people in this video have to say. Honestly, sitting back and listening to Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Anthony Fauci and then going out to get jabbed is NOT the way to ensure a return to normality. Any normality. At all.

Non Sheeple Masked As Sheeple Shopping...

This is great. A group of non-sheeple, masked as sheeple, go shopping to try and awaken the real sheeple. Not much effect, of course. You can lead a herd to a field but you can't make it eat - or, you can lead a herd to the truth, but not make it partake...

I Should Never Have Gone Near The Needle - Eric Clapton...

The great Eric Clapton, a musical favourite of generations, took the jab. It led to side effects - and an awakening for him. He's regretting it. Listen to Hugo Talks .

Dr Ben Edwards: Deaths From The Covid Vaccines Are Huge!

America has a reporting system for vaccine deaths - and the reports are terrifying since the implementation of the untested vaccine - or, rather, gene therapy. And the reporting system drastically under reports. Listen to Dr Ben Edwards.

Take Down The BBC! They Tell You Lies. And You Pay For It.

So, the late Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test in the 1980s, always said it should not be used for diagnosis. So, Christian Drosten, well aware of that fact, pushed the PCR as the gold standard for covid 19 testing. So, many health experts spoke out against that. So, the stats are untrue and mangled. So, we're not really in a global health crisis. So, Climate Change needs investigating and is no way 'consensus' science. So, Matt Hancock is in thrall to the World Economic Forum. So, Neil Ferguson has a long record of inaccurate computer modelling. So, controlled studies on masks prove their inefficacy for this kind of scenario - going back decades. So, other studies prove mask wearing is harmful. So, Independent SAGE is a small clique of, frankly, rather odd people. So, Chris Whitty has had funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So... And the BBC, your national broadcaster, has reliably said... NOTHING ...on these subjects. You pay for it. So stop. In fa...

Dr Vernon Coleman - Why And How They Plan To Kill Seven Billion...

A return to Nazi values... killing the frail and the elderly, subjecting people to horrific oppression, refusing to feed patients or give them water, denying diagnosis and treatment... The latest from Dr Vernon Coleman.

'New Normals' - 911 and the covid Scenario...

Just after the covid scenario began, we heard a lot about the 'New Normal' and the necessity of finding a vaccine. Although the vaccine would not negate the necessity for a 'New Normal'. Oh no - track and trace. A 'Green Agenda'. Inclusivity. Social distancing. 'Smart Cities'. 'Build Back Better'. Biosecurity.  The world was never going to be the same. Why? It all relied on inappropriate tests - not true 'cases', murdering the elderly and others (anyone for involuntary DNR orders?), strange stats that wouldn't have fooled an objectively thinking seven year old back in the 1980s, and draconian 'laws' and enforcement by a police force resembling the Gestapo. Paralysing lockdowns - which wreaked havoc and brought the people to depend on their governments. Quickly, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum brought his 'Great Reset' out of the shadows. A super rich old man, totally unelected, told us we should live the way h...

Facebook 'Independent' Fact Checkers - Funded By Big Pharma

I've always checked my own facts. Call me quaint, but I've been doing it since the 1970s, when there was no World Wide Web (invented 1989, up and running early 1990s) and I will continue to do so.  Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, the man who was fundamental in stopping the covid scenario being enacted in the swine flu era, has been called a liar by 'Fact Checkers' - and this is now the subject of legal action. The Fact Checkers do not need to have checked their facts - they simply promote the agenda - and funding is a sticky issue. Facebook has joined the censorship era with gusto - but its 'independent fact checkers' - - are funded hugely by Johnson and Johnson! Can you believe it? Don't trust your own reasoning faculties - trust an organisation which is being funded by Big Pharma! As we've said before, the covid nonsense isn't some hugely clever scam. It doesn't need to be. It just needs people to be blindly fearful and compliant. Anybody can...

Dr Sam Bailey and Dr Robin Wakeling: Investigating Asymptomatic Transmission, Inappropriate PCR Tests And Scientific Fact...

Dr Sam Bailey in New Zealand, a country under the kosh of Davos darling Jacinda Ardern, is a clear-minded and intelligent sceptic of the whole covid scenario. She has recently been in touch with Dr Robin Wakeling, who has been asking some searching questions of the 'Powers That Be' regarding social distance, masks, statistics, etc. Asymptomatic transmission? Since when? How does this happen? Smoke and Mirrors come into play - opinions based on zilch, dodgy papers - and bizarre computer models with no external validations. And no control groups. Goodbye, scientific method. Inappropriate testing - the PCR tests are not designed for diagnosis at all and oscillate from positive to negative or vice versa. Goodbye, reality. Hello, fear agenda. Sam takes us through the facts.  Jacinda Ardern serves the World Economic Forum Davos clique - not the people of New Zealand.

The Global Agenda - Propaganda By - And To Benefit - The Extremely Rich...

Interesting video about what lies behind the covid scenario - from the Club of Rome to the WEF from the UN to Big Pharma and then on to politicians basically pooping on their own people, in thrall to the super rich, dazzled by Davos. Not a pretty picture. Who voted for the super rich?  Nobody. But Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset/covid scenario all stem from the same source. Aided by censorship and lashings of propaganda to silence and terrify the majority. Not to mention furloughing to appeal to the short sighted and the selfish.

The Corona Investigative Committee - Legal Offensive 1

Listen to lawyers from around the world discussing the covid scenarios with Dr Reiner Fuellmich. Some truly shocking things here. The agenda is terrifying.

'UK' Government Dedicates £320 Million To Covid Advertising Until April 2022 - Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock Are Psychopaths...

Hugo Talks Lockdown has just spotted something interesting - and, frankly infuriating - about the highly duplicitous and murderous 'UK' Government. Add it to a very long list! Not only has the odious Dominic Raab come out to say that the extremely unhealthy practise of wearing face masks will continue after June 21st, but Hugo has found, on the government's own website, that they are spending £320,000,000 on a continuing fear/misinformation campaign until April 2022. This is not stopping - and will not stop - until the people demand it in sufficient numbers - or the likes of Reiner Fuellmich get a fair hearing in court. It doesn't need to make sense, there does not even have to be a faint veneer of logic about it as long as the majority remain ignorant, afraid and compliant. Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock exalt at the continued culling of humanity. If this seems melodramatic, then look at the involuntary DNR orders, the shunting of the elderly from hospitals to care ho...

English Police Officer (Matt Hancock/Cressida Dick Gestapo Branch) Harasses a Man into Leaving a Bus...

This English policeman is clearly a graduate of the Cressida Dick School of Policing. Under the (ridiculous) covid rules people are exempt from wearing face masks even if it simply causes discomfort and don't have to give reasons to the police or anybody. This pathetic Hancock gestapo officer harasses a poor man into leaving a bus.

The FDA and the 'vaccines'...

A lot of great people are speaking out. Here, a Canadian nurse puts the facts on the line about the real situation in India, the FDA - which has said it WILL not recommend the use of the vaccines, the flawed but insisted upon PCR testing to put the stats up, the difficulties faced by others who want to speak out but daren't for the fear of losing their livelihoods, and so on. The military are now being deployed in Canada. Have a good listen... and meanwhile, in England, the UN stormtroopers will soon be moving in... Matt Hancock. 'Just slap DNR orders on everybody and keep up the testing and the jabbing...