Reiner Fuellmich: Time For Action... Why Did The WHO Redefine Pandemics? Who Are Christian Drosten And Neil Ferguson? What Is The Link Between Swine Flu And This Pandemic?


Reiner Fuellmich tells us all about the strange redefinition of pandemics by the WHO in 2009 - drop the serious illnesses and the fatalities, Christian Drosten and his PCR test - and his link to the Swine Flu and, likewise, Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, England.

How can Bill Gates tell us that 'WE are going to vaccinate seven billion people? Who is 'WE'? He is not an elected representative of the people. What are the links to the likes of Angela Merkel and Matt Hancock's fawning devotion to the World Economic Forum? Plenty to hear in this interview - if you're not awake but perhaps beginning to stir, or already awake and eager for more news, please watch - and listen!

Matt Hancock's thought processes? 'Klaus Schwab is so wonderful, the WEF is so wonderful, and it all reeks of dosh! We won't listen to what the people want - we'll listen to Klaus and the WEF and who cares if plebs die because of it! We're having a fourth industrial revolution - and they don't get a say. Ignorant peasants!'

Klaus Schwab cannot be elected. He is the head of a private organisation. And it has politicians from around the world flocking to it - and deserting those who elect them.


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