Mark Sexton: The Role of the Police in a Tyranny...

The police have become the enforcers of an evil world government agenda, often brutal, We've all seen policemen and policewomen across the 'covid' world behaving like evil thugs.

We pay them, but they do not serve us anymore.

They serve Matt Hancock, Nicola Sturgeon, Bill and Melinda Gates and the World Economic Forum.

And just what the hell has been going on in Australia?

Some police officers are speaking out.

'We have all become Boris's bitches...'

Please listen to brave ex-police constable Mark Sexton, who is blowing the whistle, and is a brave man, deserving of our support.

Mark has messages from a member of the public and a police officer.

Officers, you sign up to serve. I know it's intensely difficult, with partners, families, mortgages and families to worry about, to go against this corrupt agenda, but you must have empathy, you must care about your own family's future. Yes, police officers - what you are enforcing will have dire consequences for them, too.

Stand away from the evil governments serving the World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, etc.

Go back to your true job, what you signed up for.

Serving the people and upholding the law.

Please give this a read:

A crowd of freedom protesters face an armed and violent police force in Trafalgar Square, England. The crowd pays the police officers' wages, but they dance to Boris Johnson and Matt Hancock's evil tune. It's a new 1984. And we're not talking big hair, Apple Macs and shoulder pads.


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