I Didn't Elect Klaus Schwab - And Neither Did You. So Why Is He Dictating?

The stunning arrogance and, in fact, outright madness of this old technocrat has to be seen to be believed.

He's now saying everybody must be vaccinated.

He's signed a letter saying that covid is the greatest threat humanity has experienced since the 1940s. Really? A virus which depends on an inappropriate test and mangled statistics to alarm and still has a more than 99% survival rate?

He says there is a 'Climate Emergency'! 

Um, actually there is no consensus on that AT ALL - the MSM has simply been taken over by elite interests - and we all know Wikipedia. We want a meaningful long term discussion about that which doesn't depend on shonky computer models, self interest, backhanders, political agendas and bribery. 

And we want a say on how we live.

We want THE say on how we live.

For years, the WEF has wooed and bribed 'our' elected politicians with luxury stays at a top ski resort. These politicians return saying the WEF is right and how quickly can 'our' parliaments carry out its wishes?

That is not democracy.

Matt Hancock is a prime example of one of those oh-so-undemocratic WEF fawners.

In 2017, at Davos, Hancock said:

'And I’m delighted to speak alongside so many impressive colleagues who really understand this, and alongside Professor Klaus Schwab who literally ‘wrote the book’ on the 4th Industrial Revolution. Your work, bringing together as you do all the best minds on the planet, has informed what we are doing, and I’m delighted to work with you.'


Asked the electorate about what you are doing, Hancock? No, no! The people you 'represent' are far too ignorant, of course - and even highly qualified people who disagree - well, you'll just ignore them. Of course. You come rushing back from Davos, full of your master's plan, and determined to enforce it.

Hancock is a nightmare of a man - a spoilt 1990s teenager - trapped in a middle aged man's body, thrilled at mixing with 'impressive colleagues who really understand this,' when he plainly doesn't, and he couldn't give a damn as long as he keeps in with the super rich clique. '... bringing together all the best minds on the planet...' That's a mighty big statement, Matty, lad. Who says?

Meanwhile, the WHO - a private organisation - has close links to the WEF - and Big Pharma - and the UN is exactly the same. The UN also reeks of misandry, never giving a thought to the plight of men - the highest suicide group, the shortest lived and the vast majority of workplace deaths, year in, year out.

Klaus Schwab is a disgrace to the human race.

He wants control. He backs everything which threatens our right to simply be human.

Including an improperly trialled gene therapy (not therapy in any positive sense) masquerading as a vaccine.

A dangerous person.

Question this - question this as much as you can.


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