Boris Johnson - Homicidal Maniac... Involuntary Do Not Resuscitate Orders, Mass Murder Of The Elderly, Untreated/Undiagnosed Cancers and Heart Disease And Now - Lockdown 4...

Here's the 'UK' (England really) prime porker... er... minister, spouting more evil lies and preparing the way to kill off many more people and jobs.

Lockdown 4!

As far back as 2007, Boris was spouting on about overpopulation, and he's now a confirmed mass murderer for the cause - undiagnosed/untreated illnesses - like cancer, involuntary Do Not Resuscitate orders, improperly safety-trialled vaccines, mass murder of the elderly, unemployment depression, lockdown depression, alcohol abuse... Yep, Boris believes in depopulation - except for himself. This revolting example of overweight middle aged 'humanity' (HUH!) can still pump out sprogs, of course.

Even the WHO, back against the wall, has advised caution over PCR test results and lockdowns and Reiner Fuellmich is going full steam ahead, loaded with evidence against them.

Ignore that.

Trotters... er... fingers in ears, eh, Boris?

Boris today: Build back better, comrades, snort, grunt... When I've finished locking you down and there's nothing left for you to build.

Boris at Christmas 1984 (how appropriate!) in an ad for Now That's What I Call Music.


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