Covid In Capitals... Cancer not...

Matt Hancock sheds dry tears. It's been such a tough year, he says. But he doesn't cry for the people he's killed - those thousands of elderly people shunted from hospitals to care homes last year and the Do Not Resuscitate Orders placed involuntarily on patients. Don't get ill. 

I have to smile at COVID-19. Yep, in capital letters. Now, we used to write AIDS in capitals because it was an acronym (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) but we don't write diseases in capitals. Not even cancer.

But a 'virus' you need a test to prove you have (and a test not fit for purpose, the WHO now admits there is a problem with PCR tests)? Yep, it needs whopping great capitals.

To scare you to death!

The media loves it - but can't go against the agenda anyway because OFTEL says it must follow the government line. And the media types continue to draw their salaries. For the time being.

In 2018 we were told not to get ill in the winter as the hospitals were at breaking point. It's happened before. This year, the media says similar - because of COVID - OOH! - but people filming at the hospitals tell a different story, and some doctors and nurses have been breaking ranks since the beginning. They then lose their jobs.

A nursing friend of mine has told me that things are actually a little quieter where she is than is the seasonal norm, but there has been a problem with contact tracing: staff having to self isolate when they are not ill, thus causing staff shortages.

Meanwhile, flu has plummeted (odd), cancer and other treatment/diagnosis procedure waiting lists are spiralling, and everybody chills at the thought of bizarre new variants of COVID-19.

Grow up, folks.

All those deaths 'with' covid. I may die with a stubbed toe. But if I have cancer I think I know what will finish me off.

Con-job-19 is simply that. And it didn't arrive out of nowhere. Something similar was attempted in 2009 with swine flu, but Wolfgang Wodarg stepped in. After that, the WHO changed the definition of pandemic. Now, something doesn't have to be particularly deadly to be a pandemic.

World politicians have been grinning sycophantically at Bill and Melinda Gates of Big Pharma and unpleasant folks like Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum to cook up a future you will truly find a nightmare.

Universal income (miniscule), tracked everywhere (for your own good - ha!), moved into 'green cities' and monitored 24/7.

And all because you're scared of covid or climate change or whatever. Psyop follows psyop. Open your eyes. Believe me, the likes of Klaus Schwab won't be giving up their goodies.

Matt Hancock is just one of these people who has been doing the sycophantic gurning routine, and eagerly writing up the '4th industrial revolution' on the parliament site, after hanging out with the loopy, control freak millionaires at Davos (with Prince Charles as well).

Not serving the people.

You don't get asked what you want.

You don't elect these millionaires - or Prince Charles.

But the likes of Matty and Boris and Angela Merkel and that dreadful little misandrist up North (get down, nippy!), love them.

Meanwhile, the 'UK' Government only takes advice from the likes of Neil Ferguson (lockdowns for us - he's off to commit adultery) and Independent SAGE and that truly hideous 'Night of the Living Dead' rip-off Chris Whitty with his Igor - Patrick Vallance ("Sir"? Stuff it, mateyboots!).

If you're too complacent and comfortable to even want to look at the facts, at least think of the future generations.

Time to grow up - and start being objective.

And for all those that already are, those who are not cowering and allowing this to happen, THANK YOU.

Those two words deserve capitals.


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