Edward Dowd, ex-Wall Street insider, former Portfolio Manager at BlackRock. Presently Consultant to Founder & Partner of Symphonic Capital, LLC.

Pharmaceutical, FDA, Government, Bank fraud. RICO fraud to be exact.

 Wall Street is listening and selling stock. Let's hope the average person is listening too. Edward Dowd says consider the media that just lied to you about the 'vaccine' and lied to you about injecting poison into you. That same media is now reporting on the Ukraine situation so you can't believe everything they say. They have a scenario to hype the situation into a frenzy just like they did with the 'vaccine'. He advises that you better do your own research on anything the news says about Ukraine. Dowd says there will be tough days ahead. They will start to stoke fear. The thing to do is remain calm. We're going to get through this. There's going to be a renaissance on the other side of this. We have to resist digital currency tied to social credit score. We need to stick to CASH


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