The royal family... well, I don't understand them - never have - and I'm English. Not British. That's just a fake 'inclusive' divide and rule tactic used by the elite to cover up things like asymmetric national devolution, the Barnett Formula, and the West Lothian Question - rampant discrimination against the largest and most ethnically diverse 'UK' country, England, in favour of 'Braveheart' historical revisionism and the racist White Celtic Myth (debunked by DNA studies) from Scots and Welsh nationalists.

But, back to the royal family...

I never have understood why the 'UK nation' should fawn over a group of super pampered snobs and dictators. 

The family doesn't rule. But Prince Charles would like it to.

The royal family - with its Scots, Welsh, English and foreign bloodlines - is very much a part of the old European cabel of the elite.

And Charles and his lap dog sons are now purveying the Great Reset. Charles wants to imprison the people in smart cities, monitored 24/7 for the sake of that great nonsense - 'THE CLIMATE CRISIS'.

The Emperor is wearing no clothes.

And he is saturated in evil.

Prince Charles at the World Economic Forum in 1992. The year of Agenda 21.


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