Exposing Vaccine Passports - and ties to the World Economic Forum...

The plan is going well. Getting everybody jabbed with improperly trialled 'vaccines' and 'booster shots' and tracking and tracing them with 'Green' or 'Vaccine' passports.

And all for a 'virus' proven by an unsuitable test, mangled statistics - and still with an over 99% survival rate.

 Not really. The aims, of course, are depopulation and control.

Technocracy comes clumping into full view...

And still the majority do not awake. 

Of course, Del Bigtree believes that it's only America that stands in the way of all this, but, passing over his arrogant jingoism - and ignoring the prime role of the likes of Americans like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci in this, and past scams, and the efforts of people united across the world to fight the scamdemic (and also ignoring documents like the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights - and the way they can be shredded to suit agendas - the same as in America) this is still an interesting video:

 The Highwire, October 22, 2021

Amy Bohn, Co-founder of PERK (perk-group.com), exposes ties to the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation, in California’s ‘Vaccine Passport' infrastructure.



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