England And Wales - Losing Freedom - Vaccine Passports - Write To Your MPs...

The so-called 'UK' Government has been screwing down the population of England like nobody's business for eighteen months.

Destroying, lives, jobs, sanity - driving up NHS waiting lists for essential treatments and diagnosis sky-high.

And it continues to do so.

The same is true of the devolved arm in Wales.

We haven't checked on the even further devolved arms in Northern Ireland and Scotland - but what's the betting it's the same?

So 'getting back to normal'. Vaccine passports are not, in any way, normal. Vaccine passports for untested 'emergency use' jabs (for a 'virus' with an over 99% survival rate) are not AT ALL normal. They are the gateway to a dystopian future. And when you remember Boris Johnson's adoption of the 'Build Back Better' WEF mantra, and his desire to cut the world population, you can see where all this is coming from.

Fear-inducing SAGE is a major participant - it even has non-medical professor Susan Michie, psychological manipulator extraordinaire, saying she wants masks and social distancing forever.

Susan has, of course, been a very loyal member of the British Communist Party for forty years.

Here, Alan Miller of #OpenForAll - an anti-vaccine passport campaign - discussing things with Julia Hartley Brewer of Talk Radio.

Don't sit on your hands. Don't go along to get along. ACT.


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