Explicit - And Well Needed - Rant From Australia: Covid Shield

WARNING: When I was a kid in the 1970s or a young adult in the 1980s, I'd never have thought of people having such problems with swearing it causes a major commotion in their psyches, well, outside of a few elderly people, but these are different times so... WARNING:

This video contains strong language.

If you are prepared for that and can cope, please watch and listen.

This man has been told by his government in Australia that nobody there has caught covid and died of OF it. All this 'with' business... that is the nub of the problem.

And the deceit.

'With covid'.

Same here in England. Same next door in Wales. Same over there in America. Same over there in Northern Ireland. And in France. Germany. New Zealand... and on and on.

Eighty two years old? Test positive for covid via the inappropriate PCR test - which cannot diagnose viruses? Have terminal stage cancer? On your death certificate it will say 'COVID'.

And you will be on the fear porn statistics.

This man has been driven to this.

Listen if you can.


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