Doctors From Across The World Warn Against The Vaccines And Tell The Truth About The PCR Tests... And Our Take On Greta Thunberg...


There is no pandemic. The PCR test does not diagnose viruses or their variants. This is a manufactured situation created to enforce lockdowns and state dependence for income. It is manufactured to cause people to give up freedom. Lurking behind it is The Great Reset and Agenda 21/2030.

The 'vaccine'? It is an experimental gene therapy which is very much part of an agenda to propel the human race into a bizarre technocratic future, one which is now just ahead of us - unless we wake up.

Our politicians, their scientists and their unaccountable backers - like the WHO, the WEF and the UN, and, of course Big Pharma, do not have your best interests at heart.

Nobody should try to force people into taking untested 'vaccines' for a 'virus' which needs mangled stats and an inappropriate test to even prove it exists, but from which over 99% of those supposedly infected with emerge fine - many unaware they had it. There are millions of people who wouldn't know they had it if it wasn't for the inappropriate test. Asymptomatic transmission is an easily disproven myth.

Do not let your governments and their 'scientific cliques' - like SAGE - mislead you into doing something which could have huge negative effects on your life - perhaps even end it.

And have huge negative effects on future generations.

Stop trusting those in charge. Challenge, resist, and take your freedom back.

Depopulation is an agenda. The Green Mask wearers like Carrie Symonds have tried to convince us for decades that the human race is a scourge across the planet. Boris Johnson and his father are fully onboard (note: this did not prevent Boris and Carrie from producing ANOTHER child - apparently a 'strain on the planet' - rules for us, not for them). Our murderous politicians are devotees of the Davos Clique, and carry out the agenda with complicit scientists. 

They are even prepared to use young people with mental health problems for a 'cute' impact on the trusting public - like Greta Thunberg. Can you imagine the impact of a spotty, greasy haired boy delivering her impassioned - and severely flawed messages? Would people rush to elevate and defend HIM?!

Doctors and medical scientists from across the world - including Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Carrie Madej, Dr Hilde De Smit, Dr Mohammad Adil, Professor Delores Cahill, Dr Johan Denis, Dr Margareta Griesz-Brisson and Dr Kevin Corbett have been joining forces to tell us about the 'vaccines', the useless (for diagnosing viruses) PCR tests, and the terrifying agenda to rush the public worldwide into taking an untested and highly experimental 'jab'.

Listen. Wake up. If you have already been given one or two of the 'jabs' - well, there's no need to put your hand back into the fire and have more.

You have read about the blood clots, fertility problems, miscarriages, heart inflammation in young men, deaths. You have witnessed the lies of your governments, their 'scientists' and the mainstream media.

Take a stand.

Time is running very short.


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