Hey! Bring In A New Variant!


Matt Hancock, champion bottom licker of Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum. Klaus knows everything and is very, very rich and very, very powerful, and Prince Charles loves him. Both Charles and Klaus are totally unelected and both want a Great Reset because it will apparently save the planet, while enslaving its people (outside of Klaus's superclass, and, Matt hopes, his own politician class). Yep, Matty-lad has been promoting and enforcing Klaus's agenda for several years now. You agree, don't you? Well if you don't, you have blood on your hands - unlike Matt, he of the involuntary Do Not Resuscitate orders, the murderous treatment of the elderly, the non-treatment of cancer and heart patients, etc.

New variants, eh? Don't you just love 'em? The very latest in scare tactic PSYOPs as the Great Reset rumbles onto the horizon. Hey, there's a new variant from Spain and one person in England 'has it' and SCREECH! It's a super duper killer! Oh, yeah. and there are fairies in my coal bunker.

It's such a simple manoeuvre. And so transparent. But as the vast majority are eating all the tripe dolled out with a big spoon, it's fine.

Matt Hancock and Boris Johnson love Klaus Schwab, and scientists who question Climate Change are shouted down. It's not really consensus. It's not an established fact, it's not reality. It's something exhumed in the early 1970s - around the time the trilateral commission was formed, and technocracy crept out of the 1930s. Then we were going to freeze. Then we were going to heat up. Now it's anything and nothing. Interesting.

Climate Change was damned useful for frightening the public and bringing in Agenda 21/30. But it wasn't fast enough on its own... 2030 is not far off... so... covid appears. Or rather doesn't, much, but figures can be manipulated, inappropriate tests can be used on asymptomatic people, and deaths can be wrongly attributed, via the inappropriate tests.

The PSYOP continues and must not fail. 

Meanwhile, Boris is banning petrol cars in a few years, but all this is about covid-19. It's not about rushing into a millionaires' super class future, in which YOU have nothing, are dependent on the government for a miserly universal income, and are tracked and traced.

No, no.

Believe Anthony Fauci. Believe Independent SAGE. Believe the politicians.

Be afraid. Very afraid.

But it's not a virus you should be afraid of.

Your future is rapidly becoming sealed simply because you are afraid of the wrong thing.

Our 'leaders' and their millionaire leaders are doing a great job.


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