Rishi Sunak, Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau at G20... with Klaus Schwab?!

November, 2022: We can't abide Justin Trudeau, horrible, tinpot, Schwab-motivated dictator that he is. But what on earth is Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the so-called 'UK' (asymmetric national devolution) doing at G20 with KLAUS SCHWAB? And why is Schwab pushing his totalitarian 'Green Mask' dictates there? He's not an elected world leader, is he? Oops, sorry, neither is Rishi. Our bad. And what on earth is with those ridiculous 1960s style shirts they're all wearing? This is very odd indeed. Oh look, here's Jacinda Ardern, leader of New Zealand, with HER leader, Klaus Schwab. It's all so painfully clear. Wake up.