What Gladys Berejiklian Of NSW Australia Is Really Saying...

Gladys Berejiklian is mired in her thirst for power and her desire to control. 

She's also mired in the worldwide agenda of misclassified deaths, inappropriate tests, fear campaigning, violence and intimidation to create a very different world for us - a world without freedom. 

She hides behind a ridiculous act - Ms Compassionate - but nothing backs up her actions - not numbers, not the inappropriate tests, not the mangled stats, not the untested and unnecessary jabs, not the terrible harm done to human beings via lockdowns. And certainly NOT the so-called 'settled science' of the climate agenda. 

She is a cruel, manipulative and heartless woman, one of many such women and men out there, getting their jollies by implementing an agenda of pure evil.

Somebody rather clever has given us an insight into the true Gladys with just a little bit of editing. 

Watch. Laugh or smile grimly. Continue the fight.


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