Sajid Javid - At His True Place Of Employment - The World Economic Forum

Well, the evil man threatening children with untested and completely unnecessary jabs in England (he is not actually 'UK' health minister - his remit only covers England), and parents with withdrawal of their power of consent over their offspring, our very own Uncle Fester, Sajid 'Jabbid' Javid, is photographed above at the World Economic Forum.

Yes, kiddies, aged 12-15, you want an untested and unnecessary jab, you must have one.

And Uncle Fester says it's OK and that nice Herr Schwab at the WEF says the Great Reset is lovely, and there are fairies and pixies skiing around out there on them there slopes with Santa Claus.

Most roads lead to Davos and Klaus Schwab, don't they?

The extremely unpleasant Mr Javid has taken the reigns from Matt Midazolam Hancock (AKA the rabid chipmunk) and is continuing to follow the agenda of the elite.

A cold hearted killer?


New health minister, same as the old health minister.

A Davos drone.

So many of "our" politicians are.


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