Roadside Protests... And The Latest Nonsensical Scare Tactics From Chris Whitty And Boris Johnson - STOP THE CULLING!

This video, from Congleton in England, does our hearts good.

A wonderful roadside protest, highlighting the dangerous jabs, the PCR test fraud and so on.

Beastly Boris and Weird Whitty are claiming that children in England SHOULD be jabbed for their mental health. So they can get back to 'normal'.


No vaccine is totally safe, and untested ones which cause blood clots, myocarditis and other things so far unseen are certainly NOT - and children have about a two in a million chance of dying from the flu or whatever (and it being misclassified as covid via the PCR test) anyway.

And NORMAL? There is no return to normal. The goal posts are constantly shifted and the carrot and stick treatment is blatant.

The evil continues.

Gather together some like-minds in your neighbourhood, wherever you are, and have a roadside protest. Get together and act. If only a couple of passers by have pause for thought, then you are achieving something. It's so much better than mouldering on the settee watching Misandry Today. Oh, sorry, I mean Loose Women.

Make your banners as informative as possible. Never forget the PCR test fraud which powers the agenda.

The day when the likes of Boris Johnson stop their relentless culling must come soon.

And the children MUST be saved.

Bathed in blood - yours - Boris Johnson. Long-term population reduction fan Johnson is now married to evil Extinction Rebellion brat Carrie Symonds and is totally unstoppable. He doesn't give a s*it about us, and, in fact, wants millions of us dead. Including children. 'Build Back Better' will produce a much better world - but only for a tiny elite. You will be dead or 'living' in abject misery in a 'smart city' or detention centre. And Boris and Carrie clearly don't realise just how expendable they are.


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