Reiner Fuellmich - Latest Update From The Berlin Corona Committee - Essential - And The Misandry Of 'Mr Global'...


After over a year of investigations, the Berlin Corona Committee is ready to deliver its findings thus far: no excess mortality before the roll out of 'vaccines', lies and panic-mongering from worldwide governments and the mainstream media - acting in lockstep, and the PCR test - not designed to diagnose viruses - to keep the fear up are but three of these findings. 

Having consulted over 150 distinguished experts from around the world, the main conclusion is that the 'pandemic' scenario was never about health, and that governments are under control of global organisations and NGOs - and, basically, acting against the safety and wellbeing of the people. We are in the grip of an anti-democratic totalitarian regime worldwide. 

Reiner takes us back through the history of the covid plan, with the role of 'Mr Global' (never 'Ms Global', courtesy of Catherine Austin Fitts, who displays a whiff of misandry in a lot of what she says and, despite her more dependable and indispensable information, is disliked at our blog for that reason) fully outlined.

This really is essential viewing and listening.

Klaus Schwab with another ardent 'Mr Global' (according to Catherine Austin Fitts) - Angela Merkel. Angela, clearly basking in her Catherine Austin Fitts conferred status as a 'Mr', has been pushing creepy Agenda 21/30 style stuff through the EU for years. She's terribly keen that commoners eat insects, by the way.


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