Professor Sucharit Bhakdi Answers The Latest Evil Lies Of NWO 'Build Back Better' Boris Johnson...

So, we're still in the grip of the 'virus' with the over 99% survival rate (and 'diagnosed' with an inappropriate test), and lying murderer Boris Johnson of the 'UK' (asymmetric national devolution) parliament wants your children.

Yes, an untested jab for your innocent offspring, the next generation, the future, for something that has not been properly isolated and doesn't really affect them even if it had been.

The man is a foot soldier, of course. Mr and Ms Global pull the strings - the technocrats, the NWO, but we know he's into population reduction anyway - and has been for years. Learned it on his parents' knees.

Boris (with 'Ms Global' Symonds at his side) doesn't realise how expendable and how vulnerable he is.

A sacrificial lamb for the elite - or perhaps sacrificial hog would be more appropriate.

He reeks of complicity and evil and it's so hard to even type his name, let alone watch videos featuring him, Jacinda Ardern, Gladys Berejiklian, Kerry Chant, Dan Andrews, Angela Merkel, Anthony Fauci, Chris Whitty, etc.

Here, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi answers Boris's latest lies.

Boris will not listen.

Boris and his minions (least of all the likes of Susan Michie of SAGE or Chris Whitty, England's Chief Murdering Officer) will never debate the likes of Professor Bhakdi.

They operate in a closed shop of bizarre and incredibly evil people - pedalling enslavement and death.

While 'your' MPs, in the main, sit there nodding it through.

In lockstep with elsewhere.


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