"LOCK-OUT"! Don't Want A Jab For An 'Illness' With An Over 99% Survival Rate? Then You Can Die Without A Job Or Healthcare When You Become Dangerously Ill With Anything Else - Dan Andrews

So, the covid scenario only survives on mangled stats, inappropriate tests, wrongly attributed deaths, fear-mongering, police violence and other forms of coercion.

Like Dan Andrews, dictator of Victoria, Australia, basically saying you'll get no participation in a society YOU help to fund and no healthcare if you don't take an untested and unnecessary 'vaccine' jab.

He's bringing in a 'lockout' for participation in society - you know, having a job, going to a movie or restaurant - and healthcare for the unjabbed. Never mind that vaccine effects are creating huge ripples in the healthcare pond, much as the likes of Andrews try to deny it.

Why has Australia not brought this evil swine down?


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