'Firebreak' Lockdown Ahead? Neil Ferguson - The Failed Computer Modeller And Adulterer - Still Wreaking Havoc In England...

Looking to the present and back - foot and mouth, etc - adulterer Neil Ferguson's terrible computer models have done great damage to England - and the world via his bare faced (and bare other things) lies. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's a criminal.

Crikey, so Neil Ferguson is out and about again, SAGE is still in charge (we haven't forgotten you, Susan Michie!), and England could be heading for a 'firebreak' lockdown in October.

For the 'virus' with the over 99% survival rate and hospitalisations that are 'with' something else, not caused by 'covid', or misclassified as covid via the inappropriate test.

Just been looking at my local rag (newspaper) and it's buying the nonsense. as usual.


Firstly, if the whole island of Britain was in danger from some dreadful disease, devolution laws for healthcare in Wales and Scotland would have been temporarily revoked to ensure a cohesive approach. It is within the so-called 'UK' Government's powers to do so.

And it would have been very necessary.

But they haven't.

'The public gets what the public wants...' as the Jam sang back in 1980.

Well, the public doesn't know what it's in for - because it refuses to delve.

Inappropriate tests? Mangled stats? Deaths 'with' covid? Untested jabs? No, no, they just listen to the Davos-led government and the totally unelected SAGE and a man who broke the lockdown rules he largely brought in, via his wonky computer models, for a bit of sexual relief - adultery, too.

But never mind.

Neil Ferguson is still on the job. The job of telling lies and creating unnecessary deaths and havoc, that is.


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