Fact Checkers: Why Are Our Governments So Eager To Censor The Web And Impose Their Truth On Us? And Who The Hell ARE These Fact Checkers Anyway?



Of course, in my younger years we didn't have the World Wide Web, and one either got their news from the TV/radio, or bought a regular newspaper which backed one's political views - or both. 

People also argued a lot, researched a lot and took differing viewpoints.

Nowadays, we're all supposed to trust something called 'Fact Checkers'. Independent Fact Checkers, apparently. 

But why do these organisations exist? 

Why can't we check our own facts? If everything is honest and above board, where's the harm? 

Why are governments and people like Bill Gates so 'in' with fact checkers? Who sponsors them? What are the qualifications for these fact checkers? Why are we supposed to believe their version of the truth - which simply backs organisations like the WHO, the WEF, the UN and world governments - and is often totally untrue? 

Interesting little video above.


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