Digital Currency, Social Credit System And One World Government Being Ushered In Under Cover Of The Covid Scare Tactics...


From: WhatsHerFace, September 18, 2021 

We currently find ourselves in the midst of an economic, political, and societal shift like no other. A shift ushered in solely through the promotion of fear and lies about covid-19. 

But, “what will this shift look like?” you may be wondering. Well, one change we can expect to see in the near future is the death of cash and a fully cashless society introduced in its place. Governments will begin merging services together including vaccine passports, digital IDs and banking for “convenience”. This merger of programs will inevitably lead to implementation of microchipping among the population. 

The technology has existed for years and versions of its use already exist in Sweden. What once sounded like a conspiracy theory or something out of a science fiction novel, may now be just around the corner. 

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