Daniel Funke, USA Today, Trying to ‘Fact Check’ Project Veritas's ‘Claims’ in #CovidVaxExposed Part 1 - O'Keefe Says He Will Sue!

Ah, 'Fact Checkers'! Yep, we can't listen to people who are actually 'on the ground' and make our own judgements, no, everything has to go through 'Fact Checkers'. Then a sheaf of pro-agenda propaganda is issued, usually totally nonsensical to any person with a hint of reason, that everybody is supposed to accept.

Because truth isn't truth and we can't discover facts for ourselves and the Fact Checkers are one of the gods of the 'New Normal'.

James O'Keefe, post Jodi O'Malley's videos and testimony to Project Veritas, issues a stern warning to Daniel Funke of USA Today.

Daniel Funke is a 'Fact Checker'.

James is a true journalist.


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