Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer, Victoria, Australia: Covid Transmission Can Be Spotted On Supermarket CCTV!!!!

Back to Australia - and Victoria's chief health officer, Brett Sutton, has stated that covid transmission can be seen on CCTV at supermarket checkouts. 

Yes, really. That's what he said.

We know the lies are transparent across the globe. 

We know the arguments are groundless, backed up by no true science and loads of deception. 

But, absurd though the whole thing is, this has to be one of the most absurd things we've heard so far. 

Who pays this drongo's salary? 

Now let us guess... couldn't be the inmates in the new penal colony of Australia, could it?

Brett Sutton, already a right royal douchebag, has become lazy-minded and over confident. He's not even thinking about what he's saying at all.

The man wants publicly flogging.


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